Here's the extensive list of dynamic placeholders you could use for automations, canned responses, email notifications, and so on.

Tickets Placeholders

Placeholder name

Placeholder Usage

Return Value



Returns subject of the ticket



Returns human display id of ticket (Ex: INC-2, SR-3)



Returns id of the ticket (Note: DB id)



Returns the actual email of the requester with which the ticket was raised. Especially used in case of multiple user emails



Renders description_html with attachments urls



Returns text description



Returns requester object. Ex: {{}}, {{}} etc.

Requester attributes can be accessed



Returns agent object. Ex: {{}}, {{}} etc.

Agent attributes can be accessed



Returns translated status name



Returns translated status name configured for requester



Returns translated priority name



Returns translated source name

group{{}}Returns associated group name
ticket_type{{ticket.ticket_type}}Returns type of ticket



Returns translated source name



Returns all associated tag names separated by comma



Returns due by time in current user’s timezone



Returns due by time (say 1:30 PM) in current user’s timezone



Returns full ticket url with protocol



Returns public ticket url



Returns support ticket url with protocol and with portal domain



Returns current portal name



Returns last public comment with attachment urls if any



Returns survey link for this ticket



Returns ticket created at time



Returns ticket updated at time

Custom Fields

Returns all custom field values for this ticket



Returns the numerical value of the ticket status



Returns category value of the ticket



Returns sub category value of the ticket



Returns item category value of the ticket



Returns display id of the ticket



Returns associated department name



Returns summation of requested items cost with currency symbol if service request



Returns requested for user details if service request



Returns comma separated names of all requested items if service request



Returns html view of the requested items



Returns urgency value



Returns impact value



Returns html table content of the requested item details with fields



Returns html table content of the requested visible item details with fields

Comment Placeholders

Placeholder name

Placeholder Usage

Return Value

Comment body


Body of the comment added to the ticket



Returns the object of user who commented. Ex: {{}}, {{}} etc.

User attributes can be accessed

Approval Placeholders

Placeholder name

Placeholder Usage

Return Value

Approval portal url


Returns portal specific approval url with protocol and with portal domain

Approval url


Returns approval url

Approval agent{{approval.agent}}

Returns agent object. Ex: {{}}, {{}} etc.

Agent attributes can be accessed

Service Desk Placeholders

Placeholder name

Placeholder Usage

Return Value

Service Desk name


Returns name of your helpdesk

Include attachments{{include_attachments}}Includes attachments of the ticket/article if any
Portal name
{{portal_name}}Returns name of your specific portal (portal_name and helpdesk_name would be same if you have only one portal)

Password Reset Placeholders (Applicable only in case of password reset email notification context)

Placeholder name

Placeholder Usage

Return Value

Agent name


Returns name of the agent

Requester name


Returns name of the requester/contact

Password Reset Url{{password_reset_url}}Returns the password reset url of the user

User Activation Placeholders (Applicable only in case of activation email notification context)

Placeholder name

Placeholder Usage

Return Value

Agent name


Returns name of the agent

Requester name


Returns name of the requester/contact

Activation Url{{activation_url}}Returns the activation url of the user


Problem Placeholders

Placeholder name

Placeholder Usage

Return Value

Problem ID


Human readable id of the problem



Subject of the problem



Description of the problem

Problem URL


Url Of the problem

Problem Department


Department of the problem

Problem Agent Name


Agent of the problem

Requester Email


Email of the requester

Requester Name


Name of the requester

Due By


Due by of the problem



Priority of the problem



Impact of the problem



Status of the problem



Category of the problem



Sub-category of the problem



Item of the problem

Change Placeholders

Placeholder Name



Change ID


Human display Id of the change



Change Subject



Change Description

Change URL


Full URL path to Change



Change Status



Change Impact



Change Priority



Change type


Requester Name


Requester Email


Requester's Email

Change Agent Name


Change's Agent Name

CAB selected members


List of selected approvers

Approval Agent Name


Approval Agent Name

Planned Start Date


Change planned start date

Planned End Date


Change planned end date

Change Company/Department


Change's Company/Department



Change Category



Change Sub-Category



Change Item

Helpdesk/Portal name


Your main service desk portal name

Release Placeholders

Placeholder Name



Release ID


Human readable release id



Release Subject



Release Description

Release URL


Full URL path to Release



Release Status



Release's Type



Release's Priority

Requester Name


Name of the requester who raised the Release

Requester Email


Requester Email

Release Department{{release.department}}Release Department

Release Agent Name


Release's Agent Name

Planned Start Date


Release planned start date

Planned End Date


Release planned end date



Release Category



Release Sub-Category



Release Item

Helpdesk/Portal name


Your main service desk portal name

Catalog Items' Placeholders

Placeholder name

Placeholder Usage

Return Value

Requester Name


Returns name of the requester

Requester first Name


Returns first name of the requester

Requester last Name{{requestor.lastname}}Returns last name of the requester
Requested for
{{requested_for}}Returns the name of the person to whom this item is requested
Item Name{{}}Returns catalog item's name
Item Category{{item.category_name}}Returns category name to which this item belongs to
<Custom Field Name>{{custom_field.<column_name>}}Returns the corresponding custom fields value (Placeholder name is dynamic. It is the actual name of custom field).

Task Placeholders

Placeholder name

Placeholder Usage

Return Value

Task ID


Returns the ID of the task

Task Title


Returns the title of the task

Task Description


Returns the description of the task

Task Start Date


Returns the start date of the task

Task Due date


Returns the due date of the task

Task Creator Name


Returns the name of the user who created the task

Task Owner Name


Returns the agent name of the task

Task Group Name


Returns the name of the group in which the agent associated

Task URL


Returns the URL of the entity to which the task is associated with. For example, for a task associated with a ticket, the ticket URL will be appended to placeholder.

Task Status


Returns the status of the task

Parent ID{{}}Returns the ID of the parent entity in which the task is associated
Parent Subject{{taskable.subject}}Returns the subject of the parent entity in which task is associated
Parent Description{{taskable.description}}

Returns the description of the parent entity in which task is associated

Service Desk Name{{helpdesk_name}}Main portal name

Asset Label Printer Settings Placeholders (Little different from Asset Placeholders)

Placeholder name

Placeholder Usage

Return Value

Asset Display Name{{asset.display_name}}Name of the asset
Asset Tag{{asset.asset_tag}}Tag value of the asset
Used By{{asset.used_by}}Name of a contact who uses the asset
Managed By{{asset.managed_by}}Name of an agent who uses the asset
Company{{}}Name of the Company/Department of the asset
Location{{asset.location}}Name of the location of the asset
Serial Number{{asset.serial_number}}Serial number of the asset (Only if the asset is an Hardware or its children)
IP Address{{asset.ip_address}}IP Address value of the asset (Only if the asset is an Hardware or its children)

Contract Placeholders

Placeholder name

Placeholder Usage

Return Value

Contract Number


Returns the ID of the contract

Contract Name{{}}Returns the Name of the contract
Contract Description{{contract.description}}Returns the Description of the contract
Contract Start Date{{contract.start_date}}Returns the Start date of the current contract
Contract End Date{{contract.end_date}}Returns the End date of the current contract
Contract Requester{{}}Returns the requester/creator of the contract
Contract URL{{contract.url}}Returns the URL to access the contract's details
Renewal Type{{contract.renewal_type}}Returns the Renewal type of the contract

Project Placeholders

Placeholder name

Placeholder Usage

Return Value

--Not exposed in placeholder section--


Display Id of the Project

Project Title{{project.title}}Title of the Project
Project Description{{project.description}}Description of the Project
Project Status{{project.status}}Current Status of the Project
Project Priority{{project.priority}}Priority of the Project
Project Requester{{}}Name of the user who created the Project
Project Owner Name{{}}Owner name of the Project
Project URL{{project.url}}Url of the Project
Project Start Date{{project.start_date}}Start date of the Project
Project End Date{{project.end_date}}End date of the Project


Project Task Placeholders

Placeholder name

Placeholder Usage

Return Value

Task ID{{}}Human Display Id of the Task

Task Name


Will be deprecated

Task Title{{task.title}}Title of the Task
Task Description{{task.description}}Description of the Task
Task URL{{task.url}}Url of the Project
Parent ID{{}}Human Display Id of the Project
Parent Subject{{taskable.subject}}Title of the Project
Parent Description{{taskable.description}}Description of the Project
Task start date{{task.start_date}}Start date of the Task
Task due date{{task.due_date}}Due date of the Task
Task Creator name{{}}Name of the user who created the Task
Task Owner name{{}}Owner name of the Task
Task Status{{task.status}}Status of the Task
--Not exposed in placeholder section--{{task.dependency}}Type of the dependency [successor/predecessor] with the current task(applicable for dependency notification)
--Not exposed in placeholder section--{{task.dependency_title}}Title of the dependent task(applicable for dependency notification)
--Not exposed in placeholder section--{{current_user_name}}Name of the user who performed the action(applicable for task comment and watcher notification)