Placeholders in Freshservice are a great way to add dynamic content and personalize your automated emails. An email that refers to the customer by name, updates them about a status change and adds a link to the corresponding ticket is an excellent way to retain the conversation's context. Click here to understand how to configure canned responses. They can be configured at a workspace level only. All canned responses across workspaces that an agent has access to, will be populated within the canned responses settings. 

For example, the next time you write an email to be sent to a number of people (like an email notification or a canned response), you can address people by their first names by using {{ticket.requester.firstname}} or insert ticket IDs automatically into templates with {{}}.

To use this feature, click the Insert Placeholders button above your text box. Placeholders are available to be used with Email Notifications (which are sent to customers automatically) when enabled, Canned Responses (which are manually inserted into ticket replies) and in pre-formatted reply templates in your Automations.

Here is the complete list of placeholders available in Freshservice. 

Note: Certain placeholders like ({{ticket.billable_hours}}, {{ticket.total_time_spent}}, etc.) are plan/feature dependant.

Placeholder textWhat it represents
The unique ticket ID generated for each ticket
Subject of the ticket
Description content in the ticket
Description of the ticket in text (for external integrations like Slack)
Description of the ticket in HTML (for external integrations like Slack)
URL of the ticket for logged-in users
Public URL to view the ticket without logging in
Portal-specific URL
Email address of the email sender for the ticket
Primary email address of the requester (in case of multiple email addresses)
Current status of the ticket in the service desk (numerical value)
Returns the status of the ticket as displayed on the customer portal
Timestamp of the latest change in the ticket's status
Current priority of the ticket
Returns a numerical value indicating the source of the ticket (1 - Email, 2 - Portal, etc.)
Returns the name of the source of the ticket (Email, Twitter, Facebook, Phone, etc.)
{{ticket.ticket_type}}Type of the ticket
{{ticket.tags}}Tags that have been added to the ticket
Creation time of the ticket
{{ticket.due_by_time}}Date & Time by which a resolution is due on a ticket (set by SLA rules)
Time by which a resolution is due on a ticket
The SLA policy that is applicable for the ticket
Attachments available in the ticket
Total time tracked in the ticket
Billable hours tracked in the ticket
{{}}Full name of the requester
{{ticket.requester.firstname}}First name of the requester
{{ticket.requester.lastname}}Last name of the requester
{{}}Work phone number of the requester
Mobile phone number of the requester
{{ticket.requester.address}}Address of the requester
Title of the requester
{{helpdesk_name}}Name of the support portal specified under Helpdesk

These are the placeholders available by default in Freshservice. If you're wondering why a few of your favorites like {{comment.body}} and {{}} aren't here, you can find out why here.