In most service desks, the agent who has been assigned to the change submits it for approval after thoroughly going through the issue and analyzing its risk and impact. In Freshservice, you can do this with the Request for CAB Approval option.

Once you have laid out plans for your change, you can submit it to one of the CABs in your service desk. This will help your Change Manager in deciding whether or not to go ahead with the change.

To submit your change for approval

  1. Click the Changes button on the left pane. By default, the view page will consist of your new and open changes. To select a different view, click the Changes dropdown and choose one from the list.  
  2. Click on a Change to view details. 
    Note: Make sure that you have all the necessary information included in the change.
  3. Under Approvals, click the +Request for CAB Approval button.
  4. Click on the dropdown box and choose a CAB from the list.
  5. You can also use the checkboxes to pick out specific members from the CAB.
  6. Click the approved by dropdown to choose whom the changes should be approved by. 
  7. Click Send to submit your change to the CAB.

Once you have submitted your change for approval, you will have to wait for a while before the CAB votes on it. The Change Manager will have the final word on whether the change is approved.