The Team Huddle feature that helps agents collaborate with other agents inside the Tickets module will be discontinued Apr 1, 2024

For HIPAA-enabled accounts, the Team Huddle feature has been disabled since April 1, 2023, reflecting our ongoing commitment to maintaining the highest standards of data security.

Why is Team Huddle being discontinued?

We will be focussing on our integrations with Microsoft Teams and Slack, where we will continue to further enhance and add new collaboration features.

What will change with this discontinuation?

The ‘Discuss’ feature in the Tickets module (for new tickets as well as old ones with existing conversations) will no longer be available once this feature is deprecated. 

Who will be impacted by this discontinuation?

If your agents use Team Huddle for collaboration, you will be impacted by this discontinuation.

What happens if our organization does not use Slack or MS Teams?

If you do not use MS Teams or Slack, you can use our upcoming 'Share Ticket' feature. With this feature, your agents will be able to easily share tickets and provide read-only access to the ticket to any user and thus facilitate collaboration through private notes. 

This is scheduled for release in the first quarter of 2024. 

What can you do?

Explore and transition to our Slack and MS Teams based collaboration capabilities, or stay tuned for our upcoming “Share Ticket” feature.

Reach out to if you have any questions about this change.