How to get started?
Discovering your Cloud resources
Today, as businesses and organizations are adopting multiple cloud resources deployed in various cloud environments, IT teams had to deal with overwhelming cloud resources and providers deployed in their eco-system, leading to cloud sprawl.
With Freshservice Cloud Management, mitigate the complexity of a multi-cloud environment with a clear view of your assets and their relationships, no matter where it's deployed in a single unified Freshservice platform.
Freshservice Cloud Management lets you:
Integrate with multiple leading cloud providers to discover Cloud Resources.
Get a holistic view, and control of cloud usage, providing a single pane of glass by syncing cloud resources into Freshservice CMDB.
Identify the resources that are no longer used and optimize them with visibility into cloud service dependencies.
To get started with discovering your cloud resources navigate to Admin → Cloud Management
Integrations with Cloud Providers
Currently, Freshservice Cloud Management supports the following cloud providers. Resources discovered from each one of them are highlighted in the respective solution articles.
To integrate with the above cloud providers,
Navigate to Admin → Cloud Management or Admin → Apps.
Click on the respective Cloud discovery app and select install.
On the installation page, click on Add new.
Note: You can integrate multiple accounts (100+) for the same cloud provider by selecting Add New.
Provide the required information on the screen to install the app.
Finally click on Add to save the details.
2. Automate Cloud Workload operations
As more and more resources get deployed from various cloud services, performing actions on your cloud resources becomes complex as there is no cross-environment visibility. This might often lead to the overutilization and ineffective use of cloud resources.
With Freshservice Cloud Management, view and manage resources such as VMs, Disks, RDS, Load balancer, and much more across various cloud providers using the Freshservice CMDB and automate actions on them instantly using Cloud Orchestration apps.
Installing Cloud Orchestration apps
Cloud Orchestration apps, lets you invoke actions on cloud resources across multiple cloud providers and automate repetitive tasks right from the Freshservice platform using Workflow Automator. Below are the supported Orchestration apps for the respective Cloud providers.
To Install the Cloud Orch apps,
Navigate to Admin → Cloud Management or Admin → Apps → Orchestration apps
Select the respective Orchestration app and click install.
Click on Add new to add your account.
To pre-load tailor-made custom workflows and service items for the respective Cloud app, enable the below toggle button.
Enter the required information and click on Add.
Finally hit the Save button to save your configuration details.
To know more about the Orchestration center click here
Automation-powered cloud catalog
With out-of-the-box cloud operations capabilities in your Service Catalog, enable your teams to instantly provision, manage and decommission cloud resources with a single request. Easily setup up approvals where necessary using the tailormade workflows to help you get started and automate your cloud workload operations.
Once the Orchestration apps are installed, service items are added for Cloud Actions under the Cloud Category in the service catalog.
Note: To view and publish the service items, navigate to Admin→ Service catalog
To activate the tailormade cloud workflows, navigate to Admin → Workflow Automator
Below is the list of service items that get added to your service catalog based on the installed cloud orchestration apps.
Power ON AWS EC2 Instance
Power OFF AWS EC2 Instance
Decommission AWS EC2 Instance
Resize AWS EC2 Instance
Request a new AWS EC2 Instance
Power on Azure VM
Power off Azure VM
Decommission Azure VM
Resize Azure VM
Request a new Azure VM instance