
Discover resources such as Hosts, VMs, and Disks across VCenter and sync them into the Freshservice CMDB.


The VMware VCenter Cloud Discovery app discovers virtual assets across your VMware VCenter accounts and syncs them into the Freshservice CMDB, providing a single view to manage your Cloud resources. The resources discovered include:

  1. Hosts

  2. Instances (Virtual Machines)

  3. Volumes (Disks)

  4. Datacenters

  5. Datastores

  6. Networks

  7. Resource Pol

  8. Images


Installation Parameters:

  • Hostname

  • Username

  • Password

  • Orchestration Server (optional: only if the resources are hosted on a private network)

Note: Supported VCenter versions: 6.5, 6.7

Steps to get the installation parameters

Note: SSL Certificate Issue ( Connecting with an insecure Vcenter)

Follow these steps if the VCenter URL does not have an SSL certificate that's been authenticated by a trusted Certificate Authority.

Step 1: Download the self-signed certificate from the browser.

  • Open the browser, and go to the VCenter URL.

  • Login to VCenter using the credentials.

  • Refer to the GIF for the next steps based on the browser chrome/edge.

Chrome Web Browser

Microsoft Edge Web Browser 

Step 2: Adding self-signed certificate to local Keystore.

  • Open command prompt.

  • Go to the location where the certificate from step 1 was downloaded.

  • Execute the following command.

keytool -import -alias <vcenter_address> -keystore  "C:\Program Files\Freshworks\Orchestration Server\Resources\JAVA\jdk11.0.8_10\lib\security\cacerts" -file <vcenter_certificate_file>