Your internal support teams are overwhelmed with issues being reported across all channels - like emails and support portals. Employees end up waiting for a long time before their service requests are picked up and assigned to a support agent for help and support. The Freshservice Virtual Agent provides a best-in-class unified employee experience with an intelligent and predictive conversational AI solution.

Having your Freshservice Virtual Agent configured for use on Slack can help you respond quickly and in a timely fashion to your employee service requests. Refer to this article on How to configure your Virtual Agent on Slack. 

Introducing the capability to @mention your Virtual Agent on slack channels and get queries resolved in personal messages and channels and get immediate responses. 

Your organization may have a common support related public channel on slack where your employees come in and post their questions and issues. Your support agents have to constantly monitor this channel and respond to employee issues. With this new feature of on-demand support on slack an employee can directly post on your organization's relevant support slack channel based on the issue at hand and have your Virtual Agent respond with relevant information that enables self-service resolution to your employee issues.

If you are an existing customer actively using the Virtual Agent, go over to the "Home" tab of your Virtual Agent/Servicebot and click the "Allow" button to authorize and get started.

Once this is done, you should be able to use your Servicebot/Virtual Agent for support across public and private slack channels.

Solution Article Suggestion

Step 1 : Post issue on public support channel using @mention Virtual Agent

An employee can directly post their issue on the support channel on slack and have the virtual agent respond with a relevant response that enables self-service resolution to employee issues. 

Step 2 : Mark conversation as helpful

Your employee can then mark the issue as helpful thereby helping the Virtual Agent learn and improve its accuracy. 

Service Item Suggestion

Step 1 : Post issue on public support channel using @mention Virtual Agent

Step 2: Receive immediate response from Virtual Agent with relevant suggestion

Step 3: Place the request and have a support ticket created within slack environment

Raise ticket when suggestions are not helpful 

Step 1 : Mark the resolution as not helpful 

If the solution article provided was not helpful, the employee can mark the conversation as not helpful and thereby raise a ticket from the slack channel itself to have a support agent help resolve the issue. 

Step 2: Raise a ticket within slack environment

If you have a form that's not supported in slack, the employees will be  redirected to the service portal to raise a ticket. Refer to this solution article to know more about form fields that are supported in slack.

Ondemand support in public channels for employee queries 

An employee can directly post their issue on the support channel on slack and other employees can @mention the Virtual Agent and request to help the employee with the best resolution.

If you are not using Freshservice Virtual Agent, download the  Getting Started Guide to configure and get started.