Businesses have multiple processes in place to get work done. Most processes have a series of tasks that have to be worked on by multiple teams at different times to ensure the completion of a project.

With task automation, ensure that tasks are assigned and completed on time by all stakeholders by automating the process end to end. Set up a sequential process flow across teams by automating the creation and assignment of tasks involved in the process. 

Task Automations can be used:

  • To create process workflows through Tasks for resolving Tickets and Problems or completing Changes and Releases
  • For e.g. Task-based Automations can be used to create a sequential workflow of Tasks that need to be completed for fulfilling a new laptop request
  • To route Tasks automatically based on configurable conditions
  • To notify Users on changes to the status of Tasks
  • To keep the parent Ticket/Problem/Change/Release fields updated based on Task events

Task automations for problems, changes, and releases are available only in Estate and Forest Plans.

Let’s consider a use case

When a service request is raised, the following checklist has to be followed to fulfill the service request.

  1. The procurement Team verifies if the item is in stock. If not, place a request for purchase.
  2. Infra team installs OS. The infra team does not begin work until the Procurement Team's task is complete.
  3. The software Team deploys the appropriate software based on the requester's role. The software team does not begin work until the Infra team has installed the OS.
  4. The security Team does a final review before the laptop is dispatched to the requester


Automating this Flow

  • Navigate to Admin > Service Desk Productivity > Workflow Automator 
    If your account has more than one workspace: 

    To modify global workflows, navigate to Admin > Global Settings > Automations & Productivity > Automation > Workflow Automator

    To modify workspace-level workflows, navigate to Admin > Workspace Settings > {Workspace Name} > Automations & Productivity > Automation > Workflow Automator

    Important Note:

    Workspace admins can view the list of global and local workflows applicable to their workspace. 

    The global workflows execute first, followed by the workspace-level workflows, to allow for the workspace-level workflows to take precedence over the global workflow. 

    For example, A global workflow can be configured to route tickets to the right workspace based on the subject/description. 

  • Click on New Automator and select Tasks

  • Enter a name and description for your workflow. Choose a Parent Entity to determine which module you’re automating tasks for.

  • Now, create your first Event for the workflow. We create the trigger event to be Status is changed from Any Status to Completed. 

  • Next, create a Condition block to define when a new task for the infra team should be created. 

    This defines that when there is a status change in a task assigned to the procurement team for a ticket that has user hardware as a service request category, the workflow will trigger the next action.

    Note: The first task for the procurement team is either created during ticket creation or automated using ticket workflows.

  • Next, create an Action block to add a task to the parent ticket when the procurement team completes its task. An action can be either performed on the parent ticket or on a task.

  • Now whenever the procurement team marks their task as complete, a task is automatically created and assigned to the infra team for OS Installation.

  • Now you can repeat the same block for all the other tasks to automate the complete flow.

  • Once done, click on Activate to enable the workflow for your service desk.