Analytics in Freshservice allows you to generate intuitive reports for your service desk.
This article will walk you through the basics of the Analytics module and how easy it is to create and customize reports and track and measure ongoing service requests and demands for service items.
Before going into the Analytics module, it is important to know a few terms that we’re going to use throughout the article.
Analytics Home - Analytics Home will contain all the reports created by you or other users.
Widget - A Widget is an analytic chart that displays data in a particular visual format (pie chart, bar graph, etc.)
Report - A report is more of a dashboard that houses a wide range of widgets. Say for example you can create a report for “Ticket overview” and add all ticket-related widgets into it. This report will give you a complete view of what is happening with your tickets.
Accessing Analytics
To access analytics, hover the mouse pointer on the Reports icon on the left sidebar and click on Analytics.
Please note: This feature can be accessed only by those who have "view analytics" permission which can be found under Admin -> Roles -> Reports. Also, please note that global scope will be applied for this permission.
Creating a Report
Adding Widgets to a Report
To create a report,
Head to Reports > Analytics and click on New Report from the top right corner.
- You’ll be taken to the next screen where you will be shown the list of available widgets to choose from. Add the name of the widget by clicking on Untitled Report.
You can look for widgets using the following ways:
Create from Scratch - Drag and drop the required widget on the center pane.
Search bar - You can use the search bar to find widgets (that are autogenerated by the system based on the available parameters) that you’re looking for. Once you find the widget of your choice, you can drag and place it onto your report.
Gallery- You can select from the existing widgets. Click on the GALLERY option on the left and select the module of your choice, say Tickets or Changes, from the dropdown. Drag the widget of your choice and place it on your report.
After adding the widgets, your report will be ready. You can access it from Analytics Home.
Managing Reports
contains featured tours and FAQs to help you navigate the module easily.
is used to share the report with other users who have access to analytics.
Export, Schedule and Subscribe
is used to export the current report as a PDF file to your email, schedule it to be delivered to your or others email at frequent intervals or subscribe it.
enables a full-screen, presentation mode to present your reports.
You can click on the Exit icon to come out of the full-screen mode.
tab is used to configure, filter or style any report.
To add more widgets click on the +ADD WIDGET button at the top right corner of the screen.
is used to configure the layout and grid setting of the report. By default the layout of the report and widget is 16 X 9.
is used to add widget filters, page filters or report filters based on your criteria.
is used to add styling and description to the widget(s). You can also add description to a widget from here while adding style to an individual widget.
Ask Freddy for Quick Insights
Freshservice brings to you the ML-powered Ask Freddy feature, which uses Natural Language Processing algorithms to generate widgets by simply posing a question to Freddy. For example, you can simply ask, “What is the average resolution time of tickets by agents?”. Freddy will process your questions by applying the right criteria and will return the results in no time.
Where do I find it?
Head to the Analytics tab and find the Ask Freddy bar on the top.
When you click on the Ask Freddy bar, you can find the recently searched queries and FAQs in the drop-down menu. Enter your question in the Ask bar. Click on Ask or press Enter to generate the widget.
To know more about Ask Freddy, click here.
Out-of-the-box Ad hoc reports
Generate flexible and ad hoc management reports from historical data using the multiple widgets supported by the Analytics module as shown below.
Editing a Widget
On a high level, every widget would be a visual representation of your service desk data. But, if you want to go deep and look at the data or make changes to the widget, you will have to click on the widget.
When you click on any widget in a report, you get few options to either expand the widget, add or modify filters, export, subscribe or check the underlying data.
Click on the expand icon to edit or modify any widget.
Changing the chart type
If you wish to change the chart type,
Click on the widget for which you wish to change the chart type and select the expand option.
Once you’re taken to the next page, you can see the different chart types on the top right corner.
Choose from the following chart types: bar, stacked bar, pie, and heat map.
Once you click on the chart of your choice, the widget will display the information in that chart type.
Filtering Data from a Widget
Similar to reports, you can also filter data within a widget. Within a widget, you can filter data using the different parameters.
You can also generate reports for an asset or a service item along with their respective custom fields.
If you wish to run a report on custom fields associated with a service item, the first step is to apply the filter 'Type is Service Request' followed by 'Service Item is (Name of the Service Item)'. You can then create additional filters to add the custom fields of your choice.
If you wish to run a report on custom fields associated with an CI type, the first step is to apply the filter 'CI Type is (Choose CI type)' followed by a filter with custom fields associated with the chosen CI type and its parent CI types. For example if you choose 'CI type is Laptop', you can choose custom fields of Laptop and Hardware.
You can add the group by criteria under Configure
You can also define a rank order which determines if the data is ordered in ascending or descending order.
You can collate and compare multiple metrics on a single widget. To know more about comparing metrics, click here.
Note: Please make sure that you choose only one asset type or service item while reporting on custom fields associated with an asset type/service item.
Grouping data
You can also group data based on numerous different parameters such as status, impact, due by, source, category, type, etc.
Note: You can only use upto a maximum of 2 attributes for grouping.
Drill down data
You can further drill down into a widget to get more information.
Let’s take an example where you have a widget that displays tickets by impact and you wish to see the status of the tickets that have a low impact.
In order to drill down further into the widget,
Click on the area in the chart that displays low-impact tickets.
Select the Group by dropdown and choose the parameters based on which you wish to group data.
Choose status as the parameter and click Apply.
Viewing Tabular data / Columns
To view and customize the data that makes the widget,
Go to a report and click on the widget for which you wish to see the data.
Click on the Show Underlying Data option in the left bottom corner (below the chart) and you will see the data in the form of a tabular columns.
You can rearrange & resize columns of the table using drag-and-drop actions. You can also include more columns by clicking on the gear icon present on the top right corner of the table.
Once done, you can save the changes in the same widget or as a new widget, in the same/different report.
Saving your Widget
Once you make changes to a report, you can either save those changes to the same widget or save them as a different widget.
To save the report, click on the Save button on the top right corner of the page.
If you click the Save As option from the dropdown, you will be prompted to enter the name for the widget, and also choose the name of the report to which you wish to add the widget.
Scheduling Reports
You can schedule reports and widgets to be sent to you or other stakeholders in the company at periodic intervals.
To schedule a report,
On the Analytics homepage, click on the report you wish to schedule.
Once you’re in the report, click on the Schedule button present on the top right corner.
A pop-up window will appear on the screen.
Choose the interval in which you wish to receive the report and enter the time during when you wish to see the report in your email inbox.
Enter the email addresses of those to whom you wish to share the report.
Provide the subject line and email content for the report.
Once done, click on Save.
Filtering data from Reports
You can filter data from a report by clicking on the funnel icon present on the top right corner of a report.
If widgets in a report belong to the same module, then all the filters related to that module will be displayed.
If the report has widgets belonging to multiple modules, only filters that are common across these modules will be displayed - for eg. department, group, agent, requester, etc.
You will get a range of additional options whenever you choose a parameter. Once you choose the parameters of your choice the data in the report will be filtered accordingly and displayed to you.
If you wish to remove the filter, click on the funnel icon and click on the (-) icon present to the left of the filter you wish to remove.
Other Actions
The following actions allow you to effectively manage all your reports.
Edit - The edit icon allows you to edit the name of the report. You can also change sharing preferences for a report.
Delete - You can delete an entire report (along with all the widgets) using the delete option.
Clone - If you wish to clone an existing report, you can use this option. You can make the necessary modifications to the cloned report and save it as a new report.
Report Views
Under Analytics Home, you can switch between different views to see your reports. The views that are available are:
All Reports
Private Reports
Shared Reports
Curated Reports
Owned Reports
When you choose Schedules, you can view all the reports that you’ve scheduled along with details like the frequency, status, and recipients.
Refer to the below article for Analytics Glossary for common terminologies:
1. Hello, I'm looking at the reports section and I'm wondering how I can view the underlying data or columns of the fields?
Navigate to the Analytics module and select the respective Analytics report > Expand the widget where you require the underlying data > Select the Underlying Data next to the Summary Table. You will also be able to add additional fields to the underlying data by clicking on the edit report option.
2. How to generate a particular service catalog item report with all custom field information in analytics?
Navigate to the Analytics module and select the respective Analytics report > Create a new widget by clicking on Add Widgets > Add the below Metric along with the additional filters as per your use case.
Utilize the underlying data to access further details about custom fields. Click on the underlying data to include additional custom fields by selecting "add column".
3. Why does my Total number of tickets / Asset count differ in analytics?
The discrepancy between your total number of tickets and asset count in Freshservice Analytics could be due to differences in filters applied, or time periods selected for each report. Check for any conflicting date ranges set within the metrics, and click on the Filter icon to review the Basic, Page, and Report filters.
4. I've created a report with Analytics and want to share it, but the agent I want isn't appearing in the list. What is required to enable report sharing?
Ensure the user is an agent in the portal with the necessary permissions to access this module. If the agent was recently added, wait a few minutes and try sharing the report again after refresh.
5. How do I run a report o find how many tickets have been received and completed in the last year?
Navigate to the Analytics module and select the respective Analytics report > Create a new widget by clicking on Add Widgets > Add the below Metric along with the additional filters as per your use case. Select All Workspaces if you require an overall report.
6. Is it possible to add an analytics report to the dashboard?
No, it is not possible to add analytics reports to the dashboard in Freshservice, as these are separate modules. Analytics reports can only be viewed within the Analytics module.
7. How to export the data of ticket properties of tickets in my instance?
Yes, you can use the Analytics module to create this report with the metric set to Tickets. Select the desired date range and choose the relevant ticket fields from the underlying data. Note that only tickets with custom fields filled in will appear in the Analytics module. If needed, create a test ticket with the custom fields completed and wait 40 minutes for the analytics sync to occur before checking the report.
8. How to export CSV data or tabular data from analytics report?
Navigate to the respective report and save the report. Perform a widget-level export by clicking on the 3 dots > Export to Email > CSV of tabular data.
9. I am looking to have one of my analytic report of a spreadsheet on how many Assets have an OS of Linux to put into my report.
Navigate to the Analytics report and have a new widget created with the below metric as "Assets" and filter based on Root CI type and CI Type.
10. Is there a way to export the discovered software and its version listed in the Hardware Assets in the report?
Create an analytics report with the metric as Assets and add additional filters if required. In the underlying data click on the gear icon / add column option and add the Installed Software Software Installations column to list the versions.
11. How to retrieve SLA-violated or breached tickets from the analytics report?
Go to the Analytics report and create a new widget with the metric set to "Resolution SLA Violated Tickets." Optionally, add extra filters and groupings as needed.
12. How to modify the conditional formatting of the view in the analytics report?
You can change the formatting of the widget by clicking the drop-down menu, allowing you to select from options like Bar Chart, Summary Table, Donut Chart, Heat Map, Horizontal Bar Chart, and Pie Chart.
13. Why are some of the fields or ticket properties missing from the analytics report?
You cannot filter using data source fields at the moment. Please verify if the field you are checking is a data source.
14. How to create a report showing the number of tickets closed by each agent?

15. Why is there a mismatch of data or ticket count number within the ticket list view vs the dashboard?
There will be a difference because Analytics reports do not include spam, trash, and merged tickets, whereas the list view does. This is why you see a discrepancy. Also kindly check the date range set which might also be causing the issue.
16. I am unable to create custom reports, how to resolve this issue?
If you're on the Starter or Growth plan, custom report creation isn't available—this feature is exclusive to Pro and Enterprise customers. Otherwise, please verify if your role grants you permission to access the analytics module.
17. How to get a report on how many tickets match an SLA policy without violation?
Navigate to the Analytics module and select the respective Analytics report / Create a new one > Create a new widget by clicking on Add Widgets > Add the Metric "Tickets within resolution SLA" along with the additional filters as per your use case and save.
20. How to create an analytics report to list the tickets with closed status ?
Navigate to the Analytics module and select the respective Analytics report / Create a new one > Create a new widget by clicking on Add Widgets > Set the Metric as "Tickets". Include a filter based on status, add any additional filters as needed for your use case, and then save.
21. What is the difference between "includes" and "contains" in a condition?
Contains is used to set the filter to look for a unique keyword or string from the values specified on a field.
Includes is used to set the filter to look for multiple keywords or strings from the values specified on a field.
22. How can we generate a report on all assets that are in a retired state?
Navigate to the Analytics module and select the respective Analytics report / Create a new one > Create a new widget by clicking on Add Widgets > Set the Metric as "Assets". Include a filter based on state as required, add any additional filters as needed for your use case, and then save.
23. How do I remove certain ticket numbers from my report?
Navigate to the report and add the Metric as "Tickets", click on the funnel icon, and select the filter option. You can then choose the ID parameters to filter out the specific ticket numbers you want to remove from the report ( If you have more tickets, you can use the "does not include" condition ).