
This report shows you general information on how a selected group is performing in your helpdesk. It can be used to compare the activities of the agents in the group on a month to month basis and to identify areas for improvement. The green and red arrows indicate relative change in performance over the selected time period. Ideally, you don’t want to see any reds here.

Raising red flags:

All red flags

Compare this group with others to see if the backlog problem is limited to this one.

Average Response Time ↑  (or)

Average First Response Time ↑  (or)

Average Resolution Time ↑ (or)

SLA Compliance ↓

Turn on Automatic Ticket Assignment for the group so that agents don’t have to pick up a ticket themselves when it comes in.

Add group level canned responses to speed up replies.

Tickets by Source

This chart shows you tickets getting assigned to the selected group are spread across your different support channels. It can be used to figure out if the tickets received by the group are just from a single point of contact.

Tickets by Priority

This chart gives you an overview of the severity of tickets that get assigned to the selected group. It can be used to find out if the group has been receiving standard questions or critical tickets over a period of time. Ideally you want the group to have similar priorities for all incoming tickets so that workload is even for all its members.

Raising red flags:

Too many high priority tickets

Go to the Groups at a glance report and see which if the high priority tickets are distributed to a particular group.

Create a specific SLA for the group with high priority tickets and make sure that urgent issues are taken care of right away.

See if there are any root problems with the product that are causing the increase in high priority tickets.

Tickets by Type

This chart shows you a break up of the different kinds of tickets getting assigned to the group. If you have specialized groups handling different issue types, you might see a larger concentration around this type here.