
Freshservice Discovery Probe scans the cloud information from virtual machines (VMs), including details such as the provider and instance ID. This article outlines the prerequisites and steps to retrieve cloud information from three major cloud providers: 

  • AWS

  • Azure

  • VMware vCenter

Prerequisites for fetching the Cloud information

For Windows:

  1. Curl Installation: Kindly ensure that Curl is installed on the target machines.

  2. AWS IMDS v1: Enable IMDS v1 for AWS instances.

  3. Admin Share: Admin share must be enabled on the target machines that the probe will scan.

  4. Windows Credentials: Configure user accounts in the Windows credentials with sufficient permissions to create and read files in the admin share.

  5. Port 445: Ensure that port 445 is enabled on the target machines.

For Linux:

  1. Curl Installation: Kindly ensure that the Curl is installed on the target Linux machines.

  2. AWS IMDS v1: Enable IMDS v1 for AWS instances.