Note: This feature will be released on 29 July 2024 and will be accessible in software projects that have Test Case Management enabled for all customers on the Pro and Enterprise plans.


Testing engineers and QA engineers manually write and validate test cases, which is time-consuming, impacts accuracy, and could require multiple to-and-fro reviews for updates.

Freshservice now leverages AI to automatically formulate test cases from task titles & descriptions. This is inclusive as part of our Freddy Copilot offering.

Every user story on any task detail page has a section displaying Test Case Results. In the same section, users can now generate test cases to speed up end-to-end QA and testing processes. This is only available for test cases of type ‘Functional’.

Here’s how you can generate test cases automatically:

  • In the Test Cases section, click on ‘Generate Test Cases’. Here, the test case title and description are provided as input to the generative AI-powered Freddy Copilot.

    1. Users may modify the description that is provided as input. Changes made to the description in the prompt window do not update or modify the original description of the task.
    2. The character limit of the description ranges from 1 to 5000 characters. If the original task description is greater than 5000 characters, this needs to be trimmed in the prompt window before generating test cases. This limit does not apply to the original task description.
    3. The input field value ‘severity’ of test cases is auto-assigned by Freddy Copilot and provided as part of the results.

  1. The' Recent Test Cases' section will contain only the latest generated CSV file with test cases. This file version is named based on the ID of the corresponding task and the time stamp when it was generated. Each version carries up to 35 generated test cases.

    Languages other than English may encounter symbol display issues due to the encoding when opening existing CSV files. This is an existing language support issue with MS Excel. 

  2. The user can download the file with newly generated test cases. Test engineers can review and edit test cases as desired.

  3. After making changes, the file can be uploaded into the test cases module after mapping fields from CSV to the test case form.

Here are a few guidelines for Generative AI usage:

Do’s - While using generative AI

  • Review all test cases derived from Generative AI and refine them as needed before further use.

  • Coverage can be improved by providing all required context in the description.

Don’ts - While using generative AI

  • If the task description has any sensitive information, then those details should be removed.

Learn how to create and manage test cases, test runs, and test plans in Freshservice here.