Enabling consumer-grade support experiences is one of the primary factors in setting up a productive workplace. The first step towards this vision is moving away from archaic service management techniques and moving towards new-gen, AI-first conversational experiences. 

With Virtual agent powered by generative-AI, enable zero-touch yet truly conversational experiences where your employees can get step-by-step resolution with a two-way dialogue. Do away with the age-old method of form-filling in service experiences and enable Virtual agent to capture all the context required for a ticket form to raise tickets for employees conversationally.

Multi-turn conversations 

Enable employees to have a 2-way dialogue with Virtual agent for step-by-step resolution. Employees can continue to converse with Virtual agent about their issues until they get a fulfilling response.

Chat to request for services 

Virtual agent can converse with employees to understand what they require and present a list of services they can pick from. Once the employee picks a service, Virtual agent powered by generative AI will present the employee with a list of relevant questions, capture their responses to fill out a form for them, and raise a ticket on their behalf.

Clarify your doubts in real-time

When Virtual agent responds, you can clarify your doubts about these responses then and there. For example, when you request a service, and you see a list of services offered, you can ask Virtual agent to explain the difference between these services and pick what suits you best. 

Review and edit form details before submission

Once Virtual agent captures all the details required by conversing with an employee, employees can review the information captured. The employee can then choose to make changes as needed by merely asking the Virtual agent to update the information you want. 


  • If you do not want to fill out a form conversationally, you can say “exit” to ask the Virtual agent to present you with a form instead. 

  • Virtual agent will nudge you to fill out a form if your conversation exceeds 10 exchanges or over 12 hours.