Note: This solution article is relevant for only those users who joined Freshservice before mid-Aug 2022.

To unlock the full potential of data, it is essential that the data is shared with others, and in a format that showcases its true value. For any changes made by data-driven decisions, that data needs to be shared with the audience to make them believe in that decision and measure its impact.

The new Report Sharing feature in Freshservice will help our customers share the metrics with a wider audience and achieve true value out of those numbers. Agents can share their reports from the Analytics module with their internal team and managers and configure access.

How to share reports?

Users can only share reports to other users and groups that have access to the Analytics module.

To share reports with your internal team:

  • On the Analytics home page, click the report you wish to share. This will open the Reports Builder page

  • Click on the Share icon at the top of the report

  • You can choose the extent of changes a user can make on the report. Select from “Can View, Can Edit, Can Manage” to grant users permission for that report

  • You can choose to: 

    • Share the report with specific users or groups (who have access to the analytics module)

    • Share it with everyone.

  • Click Save. The report is now shared with the selected users

Note: If you wish to change a specific user’s/group's access, you can return to the same screen and edit the access level to upgrade/downgrade their access privilege. 

Admins will be able to transfer ownership of reports to a new agent to ensure uninterrupted report access.

How to view reports?

To view reports that are shared with you:

  • On the Analytics home page, you can view all the reports at the bottom of the page

  • Filter ‘Shared Reports’ to view reports shared with you

Access privileges in Shared Reports:

Every individual Report will have three types of Sharing Accesses:

  • Only me (only the Report creator can access the report)

  • Everyone (Everybody in the organisation can access the report)

  • Custom (User, Groups & Role) - Every mentioned User, Group & Role can access the report)

In case of custom access:

Report level Access

View Reports

Edit Reports 

Share Reports with Others

Change Report Permission for Others











(For everyone except manager)






(For everyone except owner)

As a report owner you can also choose to revoke access for any report(s) that has been shared with others.

Revoke access for a user

In the share section, you can manually remove a user from the dropdown next to their name and choose “Remove User”

Revoke the access to all users

The Private toggle is disabled when a report is shared with users. You can enable this toggle to revoke access to all users in one go. The permissions option for each user will be grayed out with the Private toggle enabled.

Note: No other user can remove the owner's report access. The owner can downgrade himself after assigning a new owner for the report.

What happens when a report is deleted?

 When a report is deleted it moves to the Trash folder. Users can access the reports in the Trash folder on the Analytics home page.

Here are some properties of the Trash folder:

  • Report owner can manually choose the "Move to Trash" option for any report

  • Reports are stored in the Trash folder only for 180 days after which they get permanently deleted from the system

  • If any report owner is deactivated, forgotten or converted to a requester in the system, all the reports that they have created will automatically be moved to Trash 

  • Only Report owners can Undo deleted reports from Trash. Other users, with whom the report has been shared, can only clone deleted reports