Freshservice integration with Greenhouse ATS Connector allows enterprise service teams to trigger employee onboarding workflow directly from the applicant tracking system (ATS) whenever a new hire is added.

Note: The Greenhouse ATS Connector app is available only for Pro and Enterprise accounts on Freshservice.

This article contains the following topics:

Prerequisites for integration

Ensure you have the following, as part of the prerequisites for integration:

  • An active Greenhouse account.
  • The API Key, User email, and Environment details of the Greenhouse account to enable the integration.
  • Account administrator privileges within Freshservice to initiate the integration.

Install and configure the app

  1. Go to Admin > Automation & Productivity > Extensibility > Connector Apps.
  2. Select Greenhouse ATS Connector from the Connector Apps list.
  3. Click Install. The Configuration page opens.
  4. Enter the relevant Freshservice connection details in the Domain URL and API Key fields. Then, click Next.
  5. Enter the relevant Greenhouse connection details in the API key and User email fields.
  6. Select the relevant dropdown option(s) under the Environment section. Then, click Connect.
  7. (After the connection is established successfully) Click Install.

Check the available recipes list

After the app is installed, you can check the available recipes list.

  1. Go to Admin > Automation & Productivity > Extensibility > Connector Apps. The Greenhouse ATS Connector app will be listed here.
  2. Click Configure App to go to the Overview and Recipes page.
  3. Click Recipes to see the list of all available recipes.


  • Use the Configure App option to edit the default recipes and view dashboard metrics.
  • Use the Settings option to go back to your Configuration page and disconnect or re-authenticate the Greenhouse or Freshservice configuration.

List of all the available default recipes

The following default recipe is available with the Freshservice and Greenhouse ATS Connector integration.

Employee Onboarding from Greenhouse to FreshserviceAutomate the employee onboarding workflow in Freshservice based on new hire information from Greenhouse

Preview, edit, activate, or stop recipe

You can preview, edit, activate, or stop the available recipes.

Preview recipe

  1. Click Preview next to the recipe you want to view. On the recipe preview page that opens, you can view various steps with pre-configured triggers, actions, and conditions.
  2. On the left panel, you can view the recipe status, jobs executed, dependencies, and activity timeline.

Start recipe

To start any recipe:

  1. On the Recipes page, click Start next to the recipe you want to start.
  2. Or, click Preview next to the recipe you want to start. Within the recipe preview page, you will find an option to start the recipe.

Edit recipe

To edit any recipe:

  1. Click Preview next to the recipe you want to edit.
  2. If the recipe is active, click Stop. Then, click Edit.

Stop recipe

To stop any recipe:

  1. On the Recipes page, click Stop next to the recipe you want to stop.
  2. Or, click Preview next to the recipe you want to stop. Within the recipe preview page, you will find an option to stop the recipe.

Customize recipe

Each recipe has the following components: Trigger, Actions, and Conditions. You can customize any recipe depending on your specific requirements.

Let’s take a default recipe as an example to customize it further.

Default recipe: Employee Onboarding from Greenhouse to Freshservice

Trigger: This recipe component acts as the starting point for any recipe. For this default recipe, the trigger is a new hire added on Greenhouse.

You can customize the trigger in the following ways:

  • Add optional fields to existing triggers or add trigger conditions.
  • View the list of optional fields available for a particular trigger.
  • Add multiple trigger conditions using the ‘+’ option below the trigger conditions section. You can choose to set up AND or OR conditions.
  • Set the trigger data by choosing from a list of available attributes.

Condition: This component acts as a checkpoint within the recipe flow and executes a specific set of actions based on the matched condition.

Here, the recipe checks if the employee details are present in Freshservice. If employee details are present, it stops the workflow. If not present, it creates a new onboarding request in Freshservice.

You can check and edit the following conditions:

  • The data field and the value to be checked for any particular condition. You can pick the data field from a list of available attributes and set the value that needs to be met.

Action: The recipe performs a specific set of actions based on the conditions met. Based on the conditions mentioned, the recipe creates an onboarding request in Freshservice for the new hire added to Greenhouse.

You can customize the following parts of the action:

  • Perform any action from the existing set of actions available under the All Actions tab.
  • Map values to the corresponding fields in Freshservice.
  • Add more fields from the available set of optional fields.

After customizing a recipe, you can save or test it to ensure it's working correctly.

Check failed recipe or jobs

To view and troubleshoot failed jobs under a recipe, follow these steps:

  1. Click Preview next to a specific recipe from the Recipes page.
  2. Go to Jobs.
  3. View a list of all the jobs executed under a particular recipe.
  4. Filter the failed jobs using the Status filter on the top panel.
  5. Click any job to view details about how the job was executed.
  6. Click a failed job to view the error details and identify the cause of failure.
  7. Resubmit the job after your review to fix the issue.

View dashboard

The Overview tab of a recipe helps you understand the total number of tasks you've consumed (this is the basis for your app usage billing). It also provides a consolidated view of the number of successful jobs vs. failed jobs for any recipe.

Note: For information on frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to the Connector Apps in Freshservice, see Connector Apps: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).