With Onboarding and Offboarding reports you now get a bird’s eye view of your onboarding and offboarding operations in a matter of a few clicks. Get actionable insights on the entire onboarding/offboarding operations, and identify gaps and bottlenecks to further streamline your workflows. 

Freshservice provides curated reports to get an overall glimpse of your onboarding or offboarding operations. You can also create custom reports to stay on top of the metrics that matter to your business.



Curated report for onboarding

  • From the left panel, go to Reporting > Analytics > Curated reports. Click on the Onboarding requests overview report. 

  • You will be able to see data under two tabs accessible from the bottom of the screen: 


Here are the key data metrics you can review in the Overview tab of the curated report. 

  • Total requests

  • Open requests

  • Closed requests

  • Average time to close onboarding requests (calculated in business hours defined in Global Settings)

  • Open requests - older than 15 days

  • Top request initiators

  • Average time taken - by status

NOTE: An onboarding request goes through 3 status values
- Awaiting Information: After the Initiator triggers the onboarding request, if the stakeholders are yet to fill the forms assigned to them, the request will be in the Awaiting Information status.
- In-process: After all stakeholders have filled out the form, the tickets get automatically created and the request moves to In-process status. 
Closed: After the parent ticket has been moved to ‘Closed’ or ‘Resolved’ status, the request automatically moves to Closed status.

  • Onboarding Request - Trend

NOTE: You can apply filters for Location, Department, and Date Range to fetch deeper insights and trends across different available metrics.

Onboarding child tickets

Here are the key data metrics you can review in the Onboarding Child TIckets tab of the curated report. 

  • Total child tickets

  • Open child tickets

  • Closed child tickets

  • Average resolution time - child tickets

  • Time spent by agent group

NOTE: You can apply filters for Date range, Agent group, and Agent to fetch deeper insights and trends across different available metrics.

Curated report for offboarding

  • From the left panel, go to Reporting > Analytics > Curated reports.  Click on the Offboarding requests overview report.  

  • You will be able to see data under two tabs accessible from the bottom of the screen: 


Here are the key data metrics you can review in the Overview tab of the curated report. 

  • Total requests

  • Open requests

  • Closed requests

  • Average time to close (calculated in business hours defined in Global Settings)

  • Open requests - older than 15 days

  • Top request initiators

  • Average time taken by status

NOTE: An offboarding request goes through 3 status values
- Awaiting Information: After the Initiator triggers the offboarding request, if the stakeholders are yet to fill the forms assigned to them, the request will be in the Awaiting Information status.
- In-process: After all stakeholders have filled out the form, the tickets get automatically created and the request moves to In-process status.
- Closed: After the parent ticket has been moved to ‘Closed’ or ‘Resolved’ status, the request automatically moves to Closed status.

  • Offboarding Request - Trend

NOTE: You can apply filters for Location, Department, and Date Range to fetch deeper insights and trends across different available metrics.

Offboarding child tickets

Here are the key data metrics you can review in the Offboarding Child Tickets tab of the curated report. 

  • Total child tickets

  • Open child tickets

  • Total closed child tickets

  • Average resolution time - child tickets

  • Time spent by agent group

NOTE: You can apply filters for Date range, Agent group, and Agent to fetch deeper insights and trends across different available metrics.

Custom reports on Onboarding / Offboarding

Apart from using the curated reports for onboarding and offboarding, you can also create custom reports as per your needs to create a customized dashboard for the metrics that you want to stay updated about. 

  • Go to Reporting > Analytics > All Reports and click on the New Report button at the top right part of the screen. 

  • Drag and drop the required widgets and use ‘Onboarding request’ or ‘Offboarding request’ as a metric to build charts and graphs as per your needs. Please note that all the attributes of the following forms will be available as filters for you to create widgets based on your needs. 

    • Onboarding: Initiator and Stakeholder forms 

    • Offboarding: Initiator form

Check out our collection of solution articles on reporting to get a complete glimpse of how to create custom reports. 

Impact on Onboarding APIs

With the introduction of Onboarding reports an additional value (Request Closed = 4) for Status of Onboarding Request is being added to the API definition. 



Awaiting Information


Request Cancelled


Request In Progress


Request Closed


Please make the required changes to your API implementation to leverage the newly added status code. Refer to this section in the API documentation for more details.