Keep track of the assets by updating the device information to Freshservice by installing the Freshservice Discovery Agent for Linux on your devices with Linux OS ( with .NET Core 3.1 support).

Installing the Agent in a single machine (Without Proxy)

  1. Navigate to Admin -> Discovery

  2. In the Download Agent section, choose Linux

  3. Click Download Agent Button. A tar.gz file will be downloaded.

  4. Extract the downloaded tarball file to a folder, file will be extracted.

  5. Open a Terminal and run the file using the command to install the agent: sudo python
  6. This python installer file( will check if .Net core runtime or above is installed. If not it will download the latest build of .Net core runtime and proceed with the installation.

NOTE: The supported python version is 3.8 or above

Installing the Agent in a single machine (With Proxy)

  1. Extract the downloaded tarball file to a folder, file will be extracted.

  2. Open a Terminal and run the using the proxy parameters to install the agent with proxy.  Following are the proxy parameters:
    1. --server or -s - is the host address of the proxy server.
    2. --port or -p is the proxy port number.
    3. --username or -u is the proxy username.
    4. --pasword or -k is the proxy password.
    5. -h will give the example syntax.
  3. Examples:
    1. with proxy credentials : sudo python --server <host_address> --port <port> --username <username> --password <password>
    2. without proxy credentials: sudo python --server <host_address> --port <port>

Note: Going forward for Mac version 5.1.0 and Linux version 4.0.0 Discovery agent will run using .net 6 runtime. Please ensure that the below URLs are whitelisted in the network.

Installing the Agent on multiple machines

Since Linux has multiple versions, there is no common way to install the Linux agent on multiple machines. But some prerequisites needed will be:

  • You need the downloaded python script. 
  • The supported python version is 3.8 or above

Performing Other operations

To perform other operations refer to this documentation: