During the course of a ticket’s lifecycle, it is often difficult for admins and managers to identify what caused potential delays in resolving a ticket. It is hard for managers to know which agent or group spent the most time on a ticket, or time spent on a ticket in each status before it got resolved. 

Time spent reports in Freshservice allow you to track the lifecycle of individual tickets. Here, you can generate a report on the time spent on a ticket, split by each agent/group that handled the ticket (in case of reassignments) and the time spent split in each status. 

This is helpful in identifying bottlenecks at a process level. For example, if you observe a trend where tickets spend too much time in the approval stage, you can analyze the approval process and take corrective measures. This helps you avoid SLA breaches. 

You can generate a Time Spent report by choosing Time spent in business hours or Time spent in calendar hours under Metrics


Please note that the time spent metric is calculated only for agent name, agent group, and status. 

If you’d like to see the average time spent by tickets in each status OR the average time spent on tickets by an agent/agent group - either choose statusAgent group name or Agent name under group by

If you’d like to view the time spent by agents/agent group on every ticket - choose the Ticket ID followed by either Agent group nameAgent name or Status under group by.


Tabular data lets you see the time spent details for every individual ticket :