Note: This article is on the new Sandbox which is now enabled for Enterprise plan customers. For Freshservice's current Sandbox version click here. Click here to learn more about its phase-out plan.

Sync metadata changes between any two Freshservice instances by using Config sets. You can initiate a sync from the ‘Outward Sync’ tab in your Sandbox instance.

To sync data, follow these steps:

Step 1: Choose the source instance and workspace (e.g., Sandbox → IT workspace), and identify the target instance (e.g., Production).

Step 2: Identify the configurations you want to sync and ensure thorough testing.

Step 3: From the source instance (Sandbox), go to Admin > Sandbox > Outward Sync > Create 'Config Set'.

Step 4: Add configurations identified in Step 2 and review dependencies. Make sure to add all required dependencies before previewing the sync changes.

Step 5: Preview all the changes before confirming the sync.

Step 6: Validate the configurations, and click ‘Sync Configurations’.

Step 7: Go to target instance (Production) Admin > Sandbox > Inward Sync > Click on the corresponding 'Config Set' to view the sync status. If there are any failures, check the comments section for the probable cause and retry the sync.

Congratulations! You have successfully synced changes from the source (Sandbox) to the target (Production).

Important Notes:

  1. Syncing happens at a workspace level. You can only sync changes from the Global workspace of Sandbox to the Global workspace of Production and vice versa. Similarly, you can sync changes from the IT workspace in Sandbox to the IT workspace in Production. However, any global dependencies identified can be synced from the workspace. Learn more about dependencies here.

  2. Syncing the entire Sandbox (all workspaces) to Production, or vice versa, is not possible.

  3. You cannot sync changes across workspaces, meaning a sync between the Global workspace in Sandbox and the IT workspace in Production is not allowed.

Modules supported for sync

You can find the full list of modules that are supported for sync with the target below:

Data/Module name

Does Sandbox support sync of this module to target?

Account Settings (Service desk rebranding, Service desk security, Audit log, Email notifications, Plans and Billing, Day passes)


User Management (Agents, Roles, User Fields, CAB, Agent Groups, Departments, Departments Fields, Requesters, Requester Groups)


User Management (Work Schedule)


Freddy AI (Field suggester, Response suggestions) 


Channels (Freshchat, Virtual agent, Freshcaller, Freshdesk, Support Portal & Feedback widget, Email Mailboxes)


Service Desk Settings (Business Hours, SLA & OLA Policies, Field manager, Business Rules For Forms, Ticket /Problem Closure rules, Change lifecycle)


Service Desk Settings (Priority Matrix, Form Templates, Tags, Satisfaction survey)


Service Request Management (Service Catalog Items, Document Templates)


Service Request Management (Employee Onboarding, Employee Offboarding)


Automation (Workflow Automator, Credentials)


Automation (Supervisor rules, Orchestration center, Scenario Automations)


Agent Productivity (Canned responses, Scheduler, Leaderboard, Email commands, Collaborate)


Extensibility (Apps)


Extensibility (Custom objects)


Asset Management ( Asset Type & Fields, Product Catalog, Vendor, Vendor fields, Software fields, Purchase Order fields, Locations, Asset Depreciation, Relationship types)


Asset Management (Discovery, Cloud Management, SaaS Management, Contract Types)



Yes (only when they’re dependencies)

IT Operations Management (Alert management)


IT Operations Management (On call schedule)


Project & Workload Management (Project fields, Project collaboration, Jira Import, DevOps integration, Workload management)


Service Categories


Service Items


Best practices on modules that are not supported to sync: 

Modules not supported for sync (e.g., portal customization) can be modified and tested as needed in the Sandbox. Changes are never lost since Sandboxes are perpetual. You may manually create these modifications in the Production whenever needed, as sync is not supported.