
Customization helps extend your brand to your Status Page. This is especially useful when you have a customer facing Status Page. Here's how to customize your Status Page in Freshservice:

Step 1:

Head to Admin >>> Status Page >>> Customize Status Page


Step 2: Page Information

On this page, you'll see three tabs: Page Information, Page Branding, and Advanced. First fill up the basic details under Page Information.

  • Give your Status Page a title
  • Enter a description
  • Upload the company logo and favicon
  • Set the Status Page URL

Next, expand the Support accordion. Here you can:

  • Set the support portal URL
  • Set support phone lines
  • Set 'Report a problem' URL

Next, expand the Header & Footer accordion. Here you can:

  • Set the Header text and URL
  • Text and associated URLs for multiple footers
  • Copyright disclaimer
  • Home page URL
  • Enable RSS feed via a toggle
  • Add social platform links

Remember to Apply Changes to save your selections.

Step 3: Page Branding

Select the second tab i.e. Page Branding. Here you can specify the colours and fonts to be used on the Status Page as per your organization's brand guidelines.

Step 4: Advanced

Next, click on the third tab i.e. Advanced. Here you can expand the Display accordion and configure a default message to be shown when all services are up and operational.

Then expand the SEO accordion and use the toggle to indicate if you want the Status Page to be indexed by search engines. If you enable this toggle, you will be prompted to fill in the meta title, keywords, & description.

Next, expand the accordion for Google Analytics and enter the Google Analytics tracking ID.

Remember to save your configurations by clicking on Apply Changes.

Next>> Manage subscribers

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