Beginning May 2024, Freshservice will implement a new archival functionality for closed, inactive tickets to enhance service delivery speed and efficiency, prioritizing faster load times and improved performance. This feature aims to streamline processes by excluding inactive tickets from helpdesk queries, facilitating quicker operations.

Inactive tickets are identified based on the following criteria:

  1. No additional replies or notes have been added.

  2. Ticket properties remain unchanged.

Archived tickets will remain accessible to requesters and agents in a read-only format. Agents or administrators can unarchive them if necessary. Any new replies in archived ticket email threads or follow-ups via email will generate new tickets in the helpdesk.

Action Required for Administrators: (By May 2024)

To customize this process according to your organization's requirements, administrators can set a duration for ticket archival. Several options are available to accommodate your preferences.

Steps to Configure:

  1. Go to the admin page and search for 'Data Archival'.

  2. Within the data archival section, select the desired duration.

  3. Click ‘Save’ to confirm your selection.

In the event that no duration is chosen by May 2024, the default duration of ‘one year’ will be considered for the account. 

Note: Following our communication in March, please note the following updates regarding the archival of historic tickets:

  1. Tickets will now be archived if they are older than one year instead of the previous six-month threshold.

  2. An account must have a minimum of 500,000 total tickets to be eligible for archival.

  3. For accounts with over 500,000 tickets, the archival process will be completed by the end of October 2024.

  4. For accounts reaching the 500,000-ticket threshold after October, tickets will be archived automatically on a weekly basis.

  5. Administrators of all accounts will receive email notifications stating that the account is eligible for migration and that the migration has started.


  1. Why Ticket Archival?

As a Freshservice account accumulates data over time, older records, such as tickets from years past, become less relevant compared to active ones. This accumulation of inactive data can potentially lead to performance issues, slowing down queries. Ticket Archival allows administrators to efficiently manage this data by archiving old tickets, ensuring the continued performance of their service desk.

  1. When Does a Ticket Get Archived?

Tickets that are marked as 'Closed' and remain inactive (without updates) for a specified period are archived in batches. Administrators have the flexibility to set the 'Period of Inactivity' for ticket archival from the Admin Settings page. By default, tickets inactive for 'one year' are archived.

  1. Will I get notified when tickets are archived for my account? 

Starting May 2024, all Freshservice customer accounts with over 500,000 tickets will have tickets archived. Upon completion of the archival process for an account, administrators will receive an email notification from the Freshservice team.

  1. Can agents access archived tickets? 

Agents retain access to archived tickets through a dedicated default view labeled 'Archived Tickets' on the Tickets list page.

  1. Can requesters access archived tickets? 

While archived tickets are not visible in the Support portal's list view, requesters can access them via direct links. However, this feature will not be supported on the legacy v1 support portal.

  1. Can we run reports on archived tickets? 

Agents can still generate reports on archived tickets, as their data remains intact within Analytics.

  1. Will archived tickets show up in search results? 

Agents can search for archived tickets using the global search option. Archived ticket results will be displayed in a separate tab within the results pane.

  1. Can we export archived tickets? 

Archived tickets can be exported from Analytics.

  1. Can we edit archived tickets? 

Archived tickets cannot be modified unless they are unarchived.

  1. Can archived tickets be retrieved via APIs? 

Individual archived tickets can be accessed via their respective ticket IDs - /api/v2/tickets/{id}

  1. Can we unarchive tickets? 

Tickets can be unarchived directly from the Ticket details page.

  1. Do workflow automations and supervisor rules run on archived tickets? 

Automations and supervisor rules do not execute on archived tickets.

  1. Can we fetch tasks and time entries on archived tickets? 

Bulk-fetching tasks and time entries across all tickets will not include those from archived tickets. However, fetching tasks and time entries for a specific ticket, even if archived, remains functional.

  1. Can users reply to archived tickets? 

Users, both agents and requesters, cannot add notes or replies to archived tickets within the support portals. However, replies to archived ticket conversation threads via email will not be threaded to the archived ticket but will instead create a new ticket.

  1. Can I change the duration after the tickets have been archived? Will it affect the archived tickets?

No, modifying the duration will not unarchive the already archived tickets. However, the new duration will be applied to tickets moving forward.