Every section has a bunch of common properties that can be easily updated in a codeless way. Here are the properties:

Eye icon

Show or hide sections, cards, and widgets by clicking on the eye icon.

Background images / colour

Change background settings for sections to suit your organization’s branding.

  • Background color: Choose a background color if you want to fill sections with solid colors. Use the color picker to choose colors or input a Hex code.

  • Background image: If you want an image as a background, choose one from the pre-uploaded images or upload your own. 


Change default spacing for sections using the spacing toggles to define it in pixels.

Section controls

Hover over a section and click on it to perform actions on them

  • Move up / Move down: Move sections above or below sections sandwiching the one you’re operating on. Note: Sections can’t be moved above hero banner.

  • Copy section: Recreate existing sections by clicking on copy. Move the copied sections around as needed.

Delete: Delete sections if you do not require them.

Text Properties

Translations for text

When you have a global audience your portal has to be customized with multiple languages to make it more accessible. The no-code builder makes this easy for you.

Note: For accounts with non-english languages as their primary language, adding translations to portal elements is mandatory. If translations are not available, you'll see a translation missing error. 


Add placeholders to make the message more personalized. For example: Hi, how can I help you <requester name>

  1. Click on Text properties 

  2. Add / modify your text in the primary language (English).

  3. Click on Add translation 

Portal pages actions bar

This is the common actions bar across your portal pages. 

Save and Reset

  • Save your changes as you make them

  • Click Reset if you want to undo your recent changes. You can reset just the page you’re working on or all pages to recently published changes. You can also reset all pages to the default version.


Save your changes and preview them across different devices.

Note: When switching from "live preview as you edit" to "full preview" mode, page elements might realign due to more browser width availability.


Publish your pages when your configurations are ready to go live. 

Coming soon: Save your pages as a version to quickly revert them back to specific customizations. 


1. How can I ensure that end users see portal changes after customization? Or, why might an end user or requester be unable to view the card to raise a ticket?

Upon clicking "publish," the alterations will be visible in the requester portal. Note that if "Logged in users" is enabled in Global Settings Admin > User Permissions under "who can submit a new ticket on the portal," the visibility of the cards will be determined by the chosen setting.