Operators are symbols that are used to execute various mathematical operations or logical comparisons to compute the desired data in the expression node. The following section includes a list of all of the supported operators.




Return type


Addition: Adds two values

  1. 2+3
    Result: 5

  2. 2.5+2.5
    Result: 5



Subtraction: Subtracts two values 

  1. 2-3
    Result: -1

  2. 3.4-2.3
    Result: 1.1



Multiplication: Multiplies two values 

  1. 2*3
    Result: 6

  2. 3.4*2.3
    Result: 7.82



Division: Divides two values

  1. 4/2
    Result: 2

  2. 3.4/2.3



Equal to: Checks if two values are equivalent.

Left and Right operand values should be of the same data type. 

  1.  2 == 3
    Result: false

  2. happy=happy
    Result: true



Not Equal to Checks if two values are not equivalent.

Left and Right operand values should be of the same data type.

  1. 2 != 3

Result: true

  1. happy!=happy
    Result: false



Lesser than Checks if the value on the left is less than the value on the right

Left and Right operand values should be of the same data type.

  1. 2<3
    Result: true

  2. happy<Happy
    Result: false



Greater than: Checks if the value on the left is greater than the value on the right.

Left and Right operand values should be of the same data type.

  1. 2>3

  2. happy> Happy



Lesser than or equal to: Checks if the value on the left is less than or equivalent to the value on the right.

Left and Right operand values should be of the same data type

  1. 2<=3
    Result: true

  2. happy<=Happy
    Result: false



Greater than or equal to: Checks if the value on the left is greater than or equivalent to the value on the right.

Left and Right operand values should be of the same data type

  1. 2 >= 3
    Result: false

  2. happy>=Happy
    Result: true



Logical And: Checks if both the left and right expressions are true.// checks if both the conditions are met

Both Left and Right operand values should be an expression which evaluates as boolean values

  1.  2>3 && 3>4

Result: false

  1. "happy" != "Happy" && 3<4

Result: true



Logical OR Checks if any one of the expressions are true// checks if any one of the conditions is met.

Both Left and Right operand values should be an expression that evaluates as boolean values

  1. (2>3) || (3>4)

Result: False

  1. ("happy" != "Happy") || (3<4)

Result: true
