Freshservice pipes in notifications from monitoring tools, normalizes them, and then applies noise reducing tactics before listing alerts on the Alerts List page. This article explores the functionalities related to alerts available to ITOps and NOC teams for investigating underlying issues affecting their organization’s IT infrastructure. 

Alerts List page

The Alerts List page is a single pane of glass that displays alerts from all monitoring tools in real time. Each alert is displayed with associated information such as the subject, severity, status, the team member working on it, associated incident, etc.

Use the filter option on the top right corner to filter alerts based on created date, severity, resource, etc. 

Alert Detail page

Click on an alert to land on the Alert Detail page. Alert Logs refers to the list of notifications for a specific resource and metric. Each notification is described through its severity, occurrence time, message, metric value, and additional information.

Using the Associations tab

Click on the Associations tab to view the incident/s an alert is associated with. 

Using the Notes tab

Click on the Notes tab to view notes shared by agents working on that alert. Notes help agents working on an issue to collaborate. To add a note, click on Add Note and start writing.

Using the Activities tab

Over its lifecycle an Alert undergoes multiple changes in status as registered in the Alert Logs. head to the Activities tab to understand what exactly caused the change in the status of an alert and at what time. Viewing the Activity tab does not require any special permissions. Anyone with the ability to view Alert details can view the associated Activities.

Manual association of alerts to incidents

You can associate alerts to relevant incidents in Freshservice or create new incidents. You can do this for a single alert or select multiple alerts from the alert list page and associate them to an incident in bulk. There are two ways to associate an incident to an alert: 


  1. Select an alert and then click on the ‘Associate Incident’ button.

  1. Select an incident from the slider and select ‘Associate’


  1. Head to the alert list page and choose the alert you wish to link to an incident. Once you’re inside the Alert Details page, click on the Associate Incident button present on the top right corner. You’ll be shown a dialog to associate the alert with existing incidents or create a new one. After associating the alert with relevant incidents, click Associate. 

After associating the alerts you can view them under the Associations tab in the Alert details page. 

You can also view the associated alerts from the Incident details page. 

In order to associate multiple alerts into an incident: 

  1. Head to the alert list page and choose the alerts you wish to associate with an incident. Click on the Associate Incident button. 

  2. Add relevant incidents from the list or create a new one. 

  3. Once done, click Associate.

Associating an alert with an incident makes it easy for your agents to understand the nature of the issue and resolve them faster. 

Apart from associating an incident to an alert, you can also create alert workflows to automatically create alert-based incidents (link) and automatically assign them to the right teams.

When an incident is resolved, all the associated alerts will also get resolved. Based on the severity of the associated alert, the incident priority will also change accordingly. 

Setting Role Permissions to View Alerts

While configuring role permissions for agents, you also get to configure what type of actions/permissions they can have in regard to alerts.

  1. View Alerts

  2. Manage Alerts