Freshservice lets you add and link Child Tickets to Service Requests. This helps to establish a relationship between requests, easily map and track multiple service items, and also prevents the complex nested formation of Requested Items. You can now ensure appropriate tracking of Service Items and timely fulfillment of Requests.

To add a New Child ticket to a Service Request: 

  1. Click on a Service Request ticket from your Ticket List view page. This will open the ticket details page. 
  2. Hover over to the tabs section and click on the Related tickets tab. 

3. Click on the +Add Child Ticktes button. This will open a pop-up window of existing Service Items available within your Service Desk. 

4. Select an item of your choice and fill in the necessary details. 

5. Click Submit. The child ticket will get added and will be displayed on the left with a Ticket ID in the details page.

Note: When you close a Parent ticket for a Service Request, all associated Child tickets will also get closed.

To link an existing Service Request as a Child Ticket:

  1. Click on a Service Request ticket from your Ticket List view page. This will open the ticket details page. 
  2. Click on the Related Tickets tab. 
  3. Select Existing ticket radio button
  4. Click on the Search Tickets and enter keywords related to the ticket. The results from the search will be displayed under the bar.

Note: By default, a list of existing tickets will automatically get displayed as suggestions under the Search Bar. You can select them directly link them as child tickets. You can use the Search Bar in case you’re not able to spot your ticket in the suggestions list. 

Note: The option to add New Child tickets won't available if the Service Requests have an Approval process - a Request for Approval has already been placed and the request is approved. Make sure you add New Child Tickets before initiating an Approval process. However, if the request is rejected New Child tickets can be added.

Create Child Tickets for Bundled Service Items

Parent and child tickets for Bundled Service Items will be created and linked automatically if you’ve enabled the option in the Admin Settings while creating your Service Item. To do this: 

  1. In the Admin Settings, select Service Catalog under General Settings. This will open a list of All Service Items available in your Service Desk. 
  2. Click on the Add New button on the top-right and select Service Item from the dropdown. This will open the Service Item details page. 
  3. Alternatively, if you have an existing Bundled Service Item, select the item from the list of All Service Items displayed. 
  4. Select Additional Items tab from the left pane. 
  5. Enter keywords related to the item in the Search Bar and select from the suggestions list. The selected items will get displayed under the Search Bar
  6. Mark the checkbox for Create Child Service Requests for each of the items above. This will automatically create multiple child tickets for every single item. 
  7. Click Save to finalize changes.  

Tip: Any existing Service Request can become a Parent ticket by simply linking another Service Request to it as a Child ticket.

To perform actions on associated child tickets:

  1. Navigate to Admin -> Workflow Automator -> New Automator -> Ticket.
  2. Drag and drop the event node and select when the Service Request is Updated from the drop-down and click Done.
  3. Next, drag and drop the condition node and select when the Status is Resolved and click Done. 
  4. Finally, drag and drop the action node and select Associated Child Tickets from Perform these actions.
  5. Add a Set Status as Resolved and click the "+" to add another action as Add Note.
  6. For the description in the note, select the Ticket URL from the placeholders and mention as "Ticket URL is resolved" and click Done and click Activate.


1. How to add a new child ticket to the Service request?

To automatically add a child ticket to a service request in Freshservice, follow these steps:

  • Go to Admin > Workflows and create a new workflow.
  • Set the trigger event to 'Service Request is raised'.
  • Add a condition node specifying in ticket fields as requested item and other conditions if required.
  • Use a web request node to create the child ticket with the API POST call from the Freshservice API documentation given below. Make sure to fill in all the mandatory fields.

Ensure the API key belongs to an admin, use your Freshservice URL, and authentication type with Basic auth (API key as username, single letter as password like 'a','x').