Closure Rules

Incomplete resolution or closure of tickets is every service desk’s horror. When tickets are closed/resolved without their subtasks or child tickets being resolved, the multiple departments involved in resolving the ticket lose track of the progress made. Also, in the case of MSP solutions, closing tickets without a time entry has an enormous business impact on their billing.

Using closure rules, Freshservice mandates certain criteria for ticket resolution and closure to regulate the business rules in a service desk. By implementing closure rules, a service agent will not be able to resolve or close a ticket under the following conditions:

  1. Without adding a time entry.

  2. Without closing all the associated tasks.

  3. Without resolving/closing all the associated child tickets. 

How to Enable Closure Rules

By default, the closure rules are disabled. To enable them, follow the steps mentioned below:

  1. In the Admin tab, you can find Closure rules under Service Management -> Service Desk SettingsIf your account has more than one workspace, navigate to Admin > {Worskpace Name} > Service ManagementService Desk Settings > Closure rules.

  2. The following conditions can be defined for closure and resolution of incidents and service requests:

    • Time entry should be added

    • All associated/linked tasks are complete

    • All Child tickets are either closed or resolved or both.

  3. The above conditions can be enabled by selecting the appropriate checkboxes.

The closure rules will be bypassed in the following cases:

  • Merging tickets from the details page or the list view page will close the merged ticket.

  • If a workflow/scenario automation moves a ticket from resolved to closed, the workflow/scenario automation takes precedence over the closure rules.

  • When an agent uses email commands to close a ticket, the email is added as a reply to the ticket but the ticket is not closed/resolved.

  • If a scheduler moves a ticket from resolved to closed, the scheduler takes precedence over the closure rules.

  • Importing tickets with resolved or closed status will bypass closure rules.


  • For new accounts, Closure rules will be enabled by default for incidents and service requests with the following options:
    • All associated/linked tasks are complete

    • All Child tickets are either closed or resolved or both

  • Once enabled, closure rules will work in the Freshservice app. (iOS and Android).


1. What permissions and/or roles are required to close an incident?

The agent to close a ticket needs "Edit ticket properties" access under the Tickets module that can be selected under Admin > Roles > Agent Roles.

2. Where do I find Auto Ticket Closure on my portal?

Navigate to respective Workspace Admin ( if you have more than one workspace)  > Closure Rules to access it.