Note: If you have signed up on or after 12th December 2022, please refer to this section for managing agents in Freshservice. 

You can add all your technicians and managers as technicians to your service desk by clicking on the Agents icon under the Admin tab.

When you add a new agent, their role will determine the kind of access* they'll have in the service desk. If multiple roles are set for an agent, the higher level of access will apply. At the maximum restriction, you can choose to only allow agents to view tickets that have been assigned to them, or at the minimum, give them complete access to your help desk including the setup and configurations under the Admin tab.

A quick guide to adding agents to Freshservice:

  1. Login to your Freshservice account as an administrator.
  2. Go to Admin > User Management (section) to start adding agents.
  3. Select Agents. 
    If your account has more than one workspace:
    To modify global workflows, navigate to Admin > Global Settings > User Management > Agents.
    To modify workspace-level workflows, navigate to Admin > Workspace Settings > {Workspace Name} > User Management > Agents.
  4. Click on the New Agent button on the top.
  5. Specify if you want the agent to be full-time or occasional.
  6. Type in basic information about the agent, including name and email address.
  7. Add the agent to relevant groups.
  8. You can optionally add a profile picture and describe what the agent will be doing in the organization.
  9. In case you have enabled the gamification settings in Freshservice Arcade, you can let your experienced agents start with more points.
  10. Choose a role for the agent by clicking on the Associate Role button.
  11. Click on Save.

The agent will now receive an activation email in his mailbox which will help him in setting up a password and activating his account in your service desk.

View Agent Profile

Once you're done adding agents to your service desk, you can view their profile. This will contain details about the agent such as their email addresses, groups they belong to, badges they've received as a part of the arcade, etc. You can also view the tickets requested by them and the tickets and assets that have been assigned to them. 

Note: If you've signed up with the Freshworks Suite of Products from February 2020, you can edit/modify the Agent's Profile information by accessing your Freshworks Organization account.

To modify Agent Profile information using your Freshworks Org account: 

  1. Access your Freshservice account. 
  2. Click the Admin Settings icon. 
  3. Click Agents under User Management
    If your account has more than one workspace:
    To modify global workflows, navigate to Admin > Global Settings > User Management > Agents.
    To modify workspace-level workflows, navigate to Admin > Workspace Settings > {Workspace Name} > User Management > Agents.
  4. The list of Agents at your service desk will be displayed. 
  5. Hover over the Agent's name whose profile you'd like to modify. 
  6. Click the edit icon. The Edit Agent page will appear. 
  7. Click the View Their Profile CTA. The Users Org page will open in a new tab. 
  8. You can edit the Name, Number, Company Name, and Job Title under the Profile tab.
  9. Click Save to finalize your changes. 


How to deactivate agents in Freshservice?

In order to deactivate an agent, follow the navigation below.

If your account has more than one workspace:
To modify global workflows, navigate to Admin > Global Settings > User Management > Agents > Agent Name Deactivate Agent.

To modify workspace-level workflows, navigate to Admin > Workspace Settings > {Workspace Name} > User Management > Agents > Agent Name Deactivate Agent.

What happens when you deactivate an agent?

  • The agent will not be able to login to Freshservice. In case of activation, the admin can follow the below navigation to activate the agent.
    If your account has more than one workspace:
    To modify global workflows, navigate to Admin > Global Settings > User Management > Agents > Agent Name Activate.

    To modify workspace-level workflows, navigate to Admin > Workspace Settings > {Workspace Name} > User Management > Agents > Agent Name Activate.
  • You will not be able to assign entities (such as tickets, problems, assets and projects) to them.
  • All tickets assigned to the agent with Open, In Progress or Pending statuses will automatically become unassigned.
  • All tickets assigned to the agent with Resolved and Closed statuses will remain as it is.
  • The agent will automatically be removed from all account level configurations except workflow automator, in which users will have to manually remove the agent from the associated workflow.
  • Once the agent is deleted in AD the agent will be automatically deactivated in Freshservice. 

Manage Group Memberships for Agents

The Create Agent (New Agent) and Edit Agent pages now provide the ability to:

  • Add an agent to one or more groups. 
  • View the groups that an agent is a member of.
  • Remove an agent from one or more groups.
  • The View Agent page now provides the ability to view the groups that an agent is a member of. 


  • Account Admins, Admins, and agents belonging to custom roles with the "Play God with Super Admin control "privilege can view and modify group memberships for themselves and other agents.
  • Agents belonging to custom roles with the "Manage Agents" privilege (and without "Play God with Super Admin controls") can view group memberships of all agents but can modify group memberships only for other agents and not for themselves.

Remember, you will be charged every month only for the total number of full-time agent seats you have. You can allow occasional agents to log in to your help desk one-day at a time, by buying them day passes. Learn more about day passes here.

During your trial, you can directly add an unlimited number of agents to your account for free. After the trial, you will first have to purchase additional agent seats to add more full-time agents. Note that only the agent who “created” the Freshservice account will have access to account settings and be able to change plans or buy more agent seats.

Note: This change was implemented on March 9, 2017. If you signed up before this date, you might need to set the scope for the agent additionally.


1. How to convert an Occasional Agent to a Full-Time Agent and vice versa?

Go to Global Settings / Admin > Agents and select the relevant user profile. Under Additional Information, click on Edit and change the license type.

2. How do you change the email address of an agent/requester/contact/organization admin?

Please note that you need Admin or Account Admin access to perform this action, if the user has higher permissions then you will not be able to perform these changes.

  • Go to Global Settings / Admin.
  • Navigate to Agents / Requester/Contact.
  • Select the respective user profile.
  • For agents, click Edit. For requesters, click on the three dots and choose Edit Requester.
  • Modify the email address as needed.
  • Click Update to save the changes.

3. What permissions are necessary to create and manage users, agents, requesters, or contacts?

You would require Admin permissions to perform this action.