Asset Activity Reporting provides a detailed, ongoing record of all changes made to an asset, offering valuable insights into its lifecycle. This continuous tracking helps maintain an accurate history of modifications and plays a crucial role during audits and compliance reviews.

Table of Contents

1. Asset Activity Analytics Glossary

2. Generate a report to monitor and track location

3. Generate a report to track how many assets were deployed or retired over the last X months.

4.Export all activities over the last X months across all assets.

In this article, we’ll explore how to create Asset Activity Reports using sample use cases.

Asset Activity Analytics Glossary



Performed at

The time when the activity was performed.

Performed by User Name 

The user, workflow or discovery source that made the update. Eg: Discovery Agent, Intune, Probe, etc


Specific action performed on an asset
Eg: Asset created, Restored, tickets associated, <Attribute> updated

Performed by User Type

The type of user who performed the action.(User, Workflow or Discovery Source)

From Value 

The previous value of the attribute before the update. 

To Value

The new value of the attribute after the update.

Performed by (association)

Allows filtering of activities based on attributes of the user performing the action. For eg: Filter activities performed by users from the IT department

Note: Analytics allows you to report only on the last 12 months of activities, so make sure you leverage this data periodically.

Sample Use cases

Use case 1 - Generate a report to monitor and track location (can be extended to any other attribute) changes for an asset.

1.  Navigate to Admin → Reporting → Analytics to create the custom report.

2. Click on the New Report in the top right corner 

3.Drag and drop the widget to create the report.

4. Select the asset metric from the drop-down field.

5. Click on the + filter and use the below conditions to track the  location changes for an asset.

6. Finally, group the assets based on the Asset Name and click on Apply. 

Use Case 2 : Generate a report to track how many assets were deployed or retired over the last X months.

1.   Navigate to Admin → Reporting → Analytics to create the custom report.

2. .Drag and drop the widget to create the report.

3. Select the Asset metric from the drop-down field.

4.  Click on the + filter and use the below conditions to track how many assets were retired over the last 3 months.

5. Finally, click on Apply to generate the report. 

Usecase 3 - Export all activities over the last X months across all assets.

1Navigate to Admin → Reporting → Analytics to create the custom report.

2. Click on Settings from the bottom left corner of the screen. 

3. Select Data Export → Create Export.

4.  Enter the name and schedule the time to export the report.

5. Apply filters and choose the asset fields to refine the data included in the report.

  • CI Type is Hardware condition ensures we can access attributes such as Serial Number in the export

  • Asset Family based condition pulls all assets under Hardware,Cloud and Services


6. Finally, choose the preferred method for receiving the report.