Till now, in Project Analytics, only Project Tasks and Project were available for reporting. There was lack of reporting capability largely around:

  1. Total time spent on a project

  2. Total time spent by a user across projects

  3. Time spent between a specific time period

In addition, billable time & non billable time tracked was only visible at a project task level. Also, there was no way to record work done beyond business hours, since the time entry captured only the date field.

New module: Time Entries

A new module named ‘Time Entries’ has been introduced in Project Analytics.

With Time Entries, one can extend reporting capabilities around Projects such as reporting on time entries across any attribute (ie for a Project Task).

Further filters can be applied for billable and non billable time entries for a user across projects.

Time & Date entries in the Time Entry Form

The time entry form in Freshrelease will now capture both date and time entry.

This will enable managers to differentiate between time entries during business and non-business hours and thus be informed suitably.

Since Analytics already takes time entries in the date-and-time format (current user’s local time), standardizing the same format in Freshrelease as well will help avoid inconsistencies between Freshrelease and Analytics instances. 

A special curated report for project time entries will be available from August 28, 2024 for all Pro and Enterprise plan customers.

Know the basics of Project Reporting here.