
Perform operations on users, incidents, service, and escalation policy.


Orchestration apps let you automate repeatable tasks and actions that span across a diverse set of systems and applications using workflows. The list of actions supported for this app includes:

User Management    

  1. Create A User

  2. Delete A User

  3. Get A User By An Email

  4. Get A User By Id

  5. Update A User

Service Management    

  1. Get A Service By Name

Escalation Policy Management    

  1. Get An Escalation Policy By Name

Incident Management    

  1. Acknowledge An Incident

  2. Add Note To An Incident

  3. Create An Incident

  4. Escalate An Incident

  5. Get An Incident

  6. Reassign An Incident

  7. Resolve An Incident

  8. Snooze An Incident

  9. Update An Incident

Installation Instructions

Register an App and add OAuth 2.0 functionality to your app

  1. Log in to your PagerDuty account.

  2. Select Integrations, from the top menu.

  3. Click on Developer Mode from the menu to navigate to the My Apps page.

  4. On the My Apps page in Developer Mode, select Create New App.

  5. Enter the App Name for eg: ‘Freshservice Orch’ and Brief Description. 

  6. Choose one category from the Category selection menu.

  7. Select whether or not you intend to publish your app for all PagerDuty users. 

  8. Click Save and you will be navigated to the Configure App page.

  9. Navigate to the Functionality Section and click on the OAuth 2.0 card.

  10. You will be directed to OAuth 2.0 Page, and enter a Redirect URL. Click Save. This step is required while configuring the credential store.

    1. Redirect URL: 

    2. Upon saving the popup, a New client secret will open up showing Client ID and Client Secret, copy both values and click on Hide Client Secret Forever.

    3. Now on the Same page go to the Scopes Section select Set Permission Scopes and change its value to Read/Write .

    4. Finally head to the end of the page and click Save.

  11. Finally on the Configure App page head to the end of the page and click Save.

    Note: For more information on the credential store, check out https://support.freshservice.com/en/support/solutions/articles/50000003816-centralized-credential-store

Add OAuth 2.0 credentials to the Freshservice Credential Store

  1. Navigate to Freshservice portal  Admin → Service Desk Productivity → Credential Store.

  2. Click on New Credential 

  3. Select App Name as PagerDuty - Orch

  4. Enter Client ID and Client Secret(Create an App, step 10. b.  - Client ID and Client Secret)

  5. Click on Generate Token and Save, and a new tab opens asking for consent. Grant the consent.

Using Credentials in the PagerDuty Orchestration app

  1. After successfully configuring OAuth 2.0 credentials, navigate to the installation screen of the orchestration app

  2. Click on the credential dropdown and select newly created credentials or search with the name