In your organisation, there might be multiple stakeholders involved in your onboarding process. The first step in setting up your onboarding process is adding your key stakeholders to the onboarding module. In Freshservice's Onboarding Module you can add your stakeholders in the following hierarchy. 

Who is an Initiator?

An initiator initiates the onboarding process in your organization and can raise onboarding requests from the end-user portal. To facilitate the flow of approvals and information, the stakeholders can be added in the following hierarchy.

Note: You can add only 3 stakeholders in the onboarding process including the initiator.

To add an Initiator,

  • Click on Add Stakeholder. Enter the Stakeholder’s role or the team’s name. 

  • Next, map the Freshservice agent/ requester groups with the Stakeholders Role. For example, if the stakeholder is the HR Manager, you can associate with Freshservice agent or requester groups in which HR Managers belong.

  • Next set up the form that you would want your initiator to fill to kick start the onboarding process for a hire. You can drag and drop the required fields to set it up.

  • Click on Save and Continue to add more stakeholders. 

To add Subsequent Stakeholders,

  • Click on Add stakeholder.

  • You’ll be redirected to the Add Stakeholder page where you can add your next stakeholder and associate the Freshservice agent groups.

  • Next, set up the form you would want your stakeholder to fill and email that has to be sent out for their approvals/information.

Routing the Right Context to Stakeholders

  • When you add stakeholders, keep in mind these two simple steps to route the right context. 

  • Email Field in Initiator’s form: When the initiator raises an onboarding request, they will need an email field to forward the request to the next stakeholder in the onboarding process. To enable this, whenever subsequent stakeholders are added after the initiator, an email ID field for the added stakeholder is automatically added to the initiator’s form

For example, let’s say the second stakeholder is the reporting manager. When you add this stakeholder, the HR Manager’s form will be updated with a field “Reporting Manager’s Email” to enable the HR Manager to route the request to the right person.

Note: You can define this email field to be a text field or a drop-down field. You can use a text field if the stakeholder you’re addressing is not a user in Freshservice. If they are a Freshservice user, you can enable a drop-down populated with emails from the Freshservice User Database.

  • Adding Fields from the Initiator’s form: Once the HR Manager routes the onboarding request, the reporting manager needs to know which hire this request is about. To facilitate this, you can add fields from the initiator’s form which would add more context about the hire to this stakeholder. For example, you can add fields like Hire’s name and Department from the initiator’s form.

  • Click on Save and Continue.

  • Define an email template that has to be sent by Freshservice to the stakeholder you’re adding. 

  • Click on Save and Continue to add more stakeholders.

Now that you're done with Step 1, go on and find out how to Build Onboarding Kits in Step 2. 


1. The onboarding button is not visible on our customer portal for any users who are listed as stakeholders, 

how to initiate an employee onboarding request from the self-service portal?

Kindly navigate to the Global Settings / Admin > Employee Onboarding > Under Stakeholders select the initiator and see if the respective user group is added under "Which groups does the HR Manager belong to?".

2. I have added a field to a stakeholder in employee onboarding but cannot add it to a ticket.

Go to Global Settings / Admin > Employee Onboarding > Under Create Tickets select the respective ticket > Click on the pencil icon > Click on the Add Fields to add the stakeholder fields.

3. How to customize the onboarding notification that is sent to the reporting manager and other stakeholders?

Go to Admin > Employee Onboarding > Add Stakeholder. Choose the appropriate stakeholder, and all the fields will be visible. Click Continue to edit the employee onboarding email notification.

4. How do I add a checklist or checkbox to the parent ticket for onboarding?

In Global Settings/Admin, navigate to Employee Onboarding > Add Stakeholder. Any form field added to the initiator form can be included in the parent ticket. Add the checkbox field in the initiator form and from the 'Create ticket' section add it to the parent ticket.