These are the attributes discovered by the Freshservice Discovery Tools for different types of devices.
Laptops, Desktops and Servers (Mac, Windows and Linux)
Discovery Source: Discovery Agent & Probe
Asset Details
- Device Name
- Asset Type
- Product
- Manufacturer
- Serial Number
- Last Audit Date
- OS
- OS Version
- OS Service Pack
- Memory
- Disk Space
- CPU Speed
- CPU Core Count
- Mac Address
- Hostname
- IP Address
- Last Login By (For Mac & Win)
All software applications installed on the devices will be discovered and added to Freshservice.
- Software Name
- Version
- Installed On date (only for Windows)
Note: For Linux devices, the installed software is not discovered.
- Processor
- Memory
- Logical Drive
- Network Adapter
Network Devices - Printers, Scanners, Routers, Access Points and Switches
Discovery Source: Discovery Probe (SNMP Scans)
Asset Details
- Device Name
- Asset Type
- Description
- Product
- Manufacturer
- Last Audit Date
- Firmware
- Firmware Version
- Mac Address
- IP Address
Components (All network devices except Printers)
- Interfaces
Components (Printers)
- Interfaces
- Input Units
- Output Units
- Marker Supply Units
VMWare Servers
Discovery Source: Discovery Probe
Asset Details
- Device Name
- Asset Type
- Product
- Manufacturer
- Serial Number
- Last Audit Date
- OS
- OS Version
- OS Service Pack
- Memory
- Disk Space
- CPU Speed
- CPU Core Count
- Mac Address
- Hostname
- IP Address
- Processor
- Data Store
Virtual Machines
VMs hosted on the VM Server is listed under the Virtual Machines tab with the following info:
- Name
- OS
- Memory