Dependent Fields give you an easy way to create deeper ticket categories and identify the biggest types of issues that clog your support. With Dependent Fields you can nest each ticket into a specific category, subcategory, and item. That way, at the end of the month, you get to see which categories bring up a majority of tickets, and what specific items within are causing them.
For example, in your IT Helpdesk, Dependent Fields let you organize support queries into first-level categories like Hardware, Software, and Network. You could then have sub-categories under Hardware like Desktops, Laptops, and Printers, and finally have the individual assets as items.
A quick guide to adding Dependent Fields in your Ticket Forms:
Click on Admin > Service Management > Field Manager to start customizing the Ticket Form.
If your account has more than one workspace:
To modify global workflows, navigate to Admin > Global Settings > Service Management > Field Manager
To modify workspace-level workflows, navigate to Admin > Workspace Settings > {Workspace Name} > Service Management > Field Manager
Workspace admins can view the list of global and local workflows applicable to their workspace. The global workflows execute first, followed by the workspace-level workflows, to allow for the workspace-level workflows to take precedence over the global workflow. For example, A global workflow can be configured to route tickets to the right workspace based on the subject/description.
Drag the custom field type called Dependent Fields from the top, onto the ticket form.
In the Field Properties lightbox choose the visibility and editing permissions for Agents and for Customers.
Create the Label names for the 3 levels of hierarchy in your dependent field. For example, you could call it Category>>Sub Category>>Item or Problem>>Asset>>Type etc.
Click on Edit under the drop-down items to start editing the field values.
Type the values for each level of the hierarchy. Start the value with one tabbed space for the second level hierarchy, and with 2 tabbed spaces for the third level.
Click on Done when you have finished editing.
Click Save in the ticket form to save the new field.
If you have a big list of dependent fields you can organize them with the tabbed hierarchies in any text editor and copy-paste them into the dependent fields editor.