You can make your ticket form dynamic so that the fields change based on the user input. In Freshservice, you can add dynamic sections to any custom drop-down fields that you create. Different sets of fields can appear based on the option a user chooses within the dropdown. For example, for tickets addressed to the IT team, you might want to capture details like the workstation number and the IP address of the device in question, while finance-related tickets can have fields like the employee ID, date of joining etc.

Using dynamic sections in your ticket form will improve the structure and help your agents filter tickets easily and resolve them faster.

A quick guide to creating dynamic forms:

  • Log into your account as an administrator.
  • Go to the Admin tab.
  • Click on Field Manager under Account Settings. If your account has more than one workspace, navigate to Admin > {Worskpace Name} > Account Settings > Field Manager.
  • Under any custom drop-down field in the ticket form, you can add multiple sections. A section can have multiple fields of various types. 
  • You can associate dynamic sections with any 5 custom dropdown fields in your ticket form. 

  • Once you save the template after adding the drop-down field, you get the Add Section option on hover. 

  • In the following pop-up, give the section a title and pick all the type field values associated with this section. This way, when a particular item is selected, the assigned section is displayed to the end user. 

  • You can customize the fields in each of the Sections by using a variety of form fields. Here is a list of drag-and-drop form fields and their typical use-cases.


Custom field typeExample use-cases
Single line textDevice name etc.
Multi-Line textIssue description, additional notes, etc.
CheckboxBYOD etc.
NumberDevice ID, Phone number, etc.
DropdownDevice model etc.
DateIssue start date etc.
DecimalIP address etc.
Dependent FieldsIssue category and subcategory

  • The fields created under each section will appear as custom fields in the ticket view filters. They can also be used to create automation rules.
  • You can drag and drop any of the form fields under each Section. You can also rearrange the order of the fields within a section.
  • You can delete a section by clicking on the trash can icon next to its name. Please note that you won't be able to delete a section unless you delete the fields under each section.
  • You cannot create a new field with an existing field name. If you want to create a field that has already been created under a section, you have to copy/move it to your new section.
  • You can move or copy fields from one section to another by dragging and dropping them in the target section. 
    • Moving a field from the source section to the target section will remove the occurrence of that field in the source section and will move it to the target section. 
    • Copying a field from the source section into the target section will retain that field in the source and will merely add a copy of it into the target section. Copying will not create a new instance of the field. You can copy a field when you want to use the same field in multiple sections. 
  • Once you have customized the form, click Save. Now your agents and customers will see the new dynamic form when they create a ticket.

 NOTE: By default, a maximum of 5 dynamic sections can be added to a form. Once the limit is reached, the "add section" greys out. Additionally, the dynamic section is only added for a drop-down field and not for a multi-drop-down field. 

Here's what a form with dynamic sections will look like: