Note: This article is on the new Sandbox which is now enabled for Enterprise plan customers. For Freshservice's current Sandbox version click here. Click here to learn more about its phase-out plan.

  1. Should I create a config set for every sync I initiate?

Yes, sync can be initiated only through config sets. 

  1. How can I sync my entire Sandbox to Production?

There is no one-click option to sync the entire Sandbox to Production; sync can only be performed using config sets.

  1. Is there a cap on the number of configurations I can add to the config set? 

A config set has an upper cap of 250 configurations (including dependencies). If there are more configurations, you must break it down into multiple syncs, which reduces the possibility of sync failures.

  1. Is there a cap on the number of config sets I can create?
    No, there is no cap on the number of config sets you can create.

  2. I just created a new workspace in my Sandbox account. How can I move configurations from this workspace to Production? 

Create a new workspace in Production with the same name and template as the source (e.g., Sandbox). Return to the Sandbox, create a config set, add all the configs from the source workspace, and sync to the target workspace.

  1. Is the config set always at a workspace level? 

Yes, config sets are always at the workspace level. For example, to sync changes from the IT workspace, you must create config sets only in the IT workspace. 

  1. My Sandbox has multiple workspaces, but my production has only one workspace: IT. Can I sync changes between these two accounts?
    No, both your accounts should either be in single workspace or multi-workspace mode to be able to sync

  2. I have three workspaces. How can I sync changes across all workspaces using one config set? 

Config sets are at the workspace level. You must create three config sets to sync changes across three workspaces.

  1. What if my colleague and I simultaneously sync two config sets with some common configurations?

Both the config sets will be enqueued and synced one after the other. The second config set overrides the first.

  1. Who can create and sync config sets?

Only users with admin privileges can create and sync config sets. Only users with Play God admin privileges can create and sync config sets for global settings.

  1. How do I know if an admin setting is supported to sync?
    The banner below is displayed in the Sandbox instance for all the supported modules.

  1. Can a config set created in the IT workspace have global configurations added?

You cannot add global settings to a workspace config set. However, the system can add global configurations if they are required dependencies.

  1. Who can sync if my config set has global configs?
    Only admins with play god permissions can sync such config sets.

  2. Can I add the same configuration to multiple Config sets? What happens if both the config sets are synced one after the other?

Yes, you can add the same configuration to multiple config sets. If both the config sets are synced, the latest version of the configuration will be retained post-sync

  1. Can I add a new agent to the Sandbox and sync the user to Production? 

A new agent gets added while syncing to the target. 


  • If the target (production) has unused agent licenses, the agent will be added as a full-time agent.

  • Otherwise, the new agent will be added as an Occasional agent.

  1. My sync hasn’t gone to plan. Do I have a rollback option to reinstate my previous state in my target instance?

No, rollback is not supported at the moment. 

  1. Can I sync deletions? I have deleted a few configurations. I want to sync those configurations and expect the sync to delete them in the target instance.
    Syncing deletions is not supported. 

  2. In my Sandbox, I referenced Workflow A in another Workflow B (Workflow A is a dependency on sync Workflow B). I made a few changes to Workflow A, which is not ready to sync. Is it mandatory for me to sync Workflow A? 
    If Workflow A already exists in the target instance (e.g., Production), it is not shown in the “required dependencies” calculation and is, therefore, not mandatory. However, if Workflow A doesn’t exist in the target, it will be mandatory and part of the required dependencies. 

  1. Is there an option to skip adding dependencies, and why are they considered important?

No, dependencies are crucial for your sync and cannot be skipped. If your dependency is not ready to move to the target, we recommend removing the referenced item from the config set.  

  1. My Sandbox is in MSP mode, but my production is in Service Desk mode. Can I sync between these two instances?
    No, both accounts should be in the same mode to be able to initiate the sync.