Note: This report will support analytics only on data from Mid April onwards. 

Freddy Copilot is designed to enhance agent productivity by freeing up their time for high value work. With numerous Freddy Copilot features available to use, tracking their overall usage and impact can become complex. The introduction of Freddy Copilot reporting aims to provide insights into agents' usage trends and the impact of Freddy Copilot on your service desk metrics.

The Freddy Copilot report will be accessible to all accounts that have purchased at least one Copilot license. As these usage reports are at the user level, Freddy Copilot reports will be visible to all individuals within the organization with access to User reports.

Curated reports to explore:

Where can I find the report: 

  1. Navigate to your Analytics module and click on Copilot Overview under Curated Reports

Filters available

  • Date Range

  • Agent Groups Name

  • Agent Name

  • Freddy Features

Following are the different tabs available inside the curated report

  • Adoption
  • Adoption drill down
  • Impact
  • Impact trend analysis
  • Impact drill down

Metrics to track

Metric / Attribute


Additional info


Agents who used Freddy Copilot at least once

Number of agents who engaged with any Freddy Copilot feature at least once in the selected period

This count can be higher than the total number of purchased Copilot licenses - this could be due to agent reassignment during the selected period 


Agents not utilized Freddy Copilot

Number of agents who have a Copilot license assigned and have not utilized any of the Freddy Copilot features in the selected period

Copilot Feature Usage

Number of times any of the Copilot features have been used in the given period by all agents

  • For Similar incident suggester and Ticket field suggester, number of views of the respective module is counted as a usage - as these features do not require any manual intervention.

Freddy Copilot Assisted Tickets

Number of tickets in which Freddy Copilot features have been used at least once

  • This also considers the number of tickets in which Similar incident suggester or ticket field suggester has given suggestions.

  • This also count tickets impacted by any other Copilot features



Refers to the name of the Copilot feature

  • Can be used to look at usage for any specific feature

Reports available


This tab gives an overview of adoption observed for all Copilot features in the account. This helps admins understand and report on Copilot usage.

Here’s how you can use the widgets:

  1. Copilot Licensed Agents - Adoption: Track the number of licensed agents who have utilized at least one feature compared to licensed agents who have not used any features within the specified time frame. This count is specific to licensed agents (for Copilot) and does not reflect the overall agent count within the organization.

  2. Agent Adoption Trend: Shows the usage trend for agents who have used at least one feature in the selected time period. 

  3. Usage Trend: Shows the feature usage trend in the given time period. 

  4. Freddy Assisted Tickets: This metric presents the trend of tickets that have involved Freddy Copilot assistance, indicating the number of tickets that have benefitted from Freddy's support.

Adoption drill down

Gives a more detailed view of agent-level or feature-level usage of the Copilot features.

Here’s how you can use the widgets:

  1. Feature usage: Shows a tabular view of Feature usage count and number of agents using the feature (per feature). 

  2. Usage by agents: Shows a tabular view of usage count per agent and Freddy-assisted tickets assigned to an agent. This can be drilled down for more specific info by using underlying data. 


Understand the overall business impact that Freddy Copilot is unlocking across critical service desk metrics. You can track this for licensed agents and unlicensed agents to compare and contrast. 

Here’s how you can use the widgets:

  1. Track key service desk KPIs that are impacted by Freddy Copilot and the increase / decrease observed - like Employee satisfaction, Average resolution time, Average response time, and First call resolution.

  2. Each of these metrics can now be observed in individual widgets to track their current average, and usage for licensed and unlicensed agents. 

  3. You can also create your own widgets using these properties for other specific metrics

Impact Trend Analysis

Observe trends in service desk KPIs over a time period as impacted by Freddy Copilot. 

Impact Drill down

Drill down and understand the impact driven by Freddy Copilot across key service desk metrics.