Note: This article is on the new Sandbox which is now enabled for Enterprise plan customers. For Freshservice's current Sandbox version click here. Click here to learn more about its phase-out plan.

Inward Sync records all the Config Sets coming into an instance. For example, the Inward sync tab in the Production instance lists all the Config sets synced into it over time. This is particularly useful for auditing all changes to your production instance, ensuring a clear record of all modifications and updates.

Similarly, the inward sync history for the Sandbox instance only lists all the config sets from the Production or other Sandbox instances.

Accessing inward sync

To view the configuration list synced into an instance, navigate to Admin > Sandbox > Inward Sync. You can view the sync status at a configuration level by clicking on the config set name.

Know more about sync statuses. 

In some cases, syncing a few configurations in a config set may fail due to several factors such as dependencies, user privileges, system errors, etc. In such cases, Freshservice syncs valid configurations and skips the invalid configurations, which can be tracked from Target instance > Sandbox > Inward sync tab.

Broadly, there are four different statuses possible for any config set:

  1. Successful - All the configurations in the config set are successfully synced to the target instance.

  2. Partially Successful - There is at least one configuration where the sync failed, and the rest were successful.

  3. Failed - All the configurations in the config set failed to sync. 

  4. Sync Initiated - The sync has been initiated and is in progress. 

Note: You can view the reason for the sync failure for a particular line item in the comments column in the target instance’s Inward sync tab. By fixing the underlying reason, you can retry the sync.

Different possible error messages (as seen in the comments section)

Sync for a particular configuration could fail for the following reasons:

Error message

When can this occur?


Access denied

When a global admin in source (Sandbox) tries to sync global settings to Target (Production) but doesn’t have required permissions.

Ensure the permission for admin syncing is consistent across both the source and Target Instance. Or a different admin with relevant privileges can retry the sync.

Validation error: Max. usage limit reached

When a particular module has an upper cap. For example, Adding a new business agent when there are no unused licenses.

Ensure to add configurations within the permissible limits (e.g., Business Agents).

Validation error: Naming conflict; try a different name

When you try to sync a configuration from the source, the target has a different configuration with the same name. Learn more about how sync works.

Try using a different name for the configuration.

Validation error: Dependencies missing. Add and retry

When you try to sync configurations without dependencies. Learn more about dependencies.

Add all the dependencies and try syncing again.

System error: Try again later

When the system encountered an error processing config sets. e.g. Server error.

Retry syncing configurations after some time. 

Incomplete sync: One or more dependencies failed to sync. Retry syncing them

When the dependencies of a configuration fail to sync for one or more reasons from the above. A configuration is successfully synced only when all the associated dependencies are synced.

Identify configurations (dependencies) that failed to sync and retry syncing them.