About the integration:

Detect alerts and monitor your network devices by feeding Meraki alerts into Freshservice. Reduce alert noise by using the native aggregation capability of the Alert Management System and perform powerful automation using alert workflows. 

Configuration in Freshservice:

Step 1:

Head to the Admin panel> Your Workspace, scroll to IT Operations Management, and select Monitoring Tools.

Step 2:

You are now on the Monitoring Tools list page. Select Add monitoring tool to add a new integration.

Step 3:

You will see a list of pre-configured integrations, the gateway to custom integration using webhooks, and the option to use email as a channel for alerts. Select Cisco Meraki.

Step 4:

A URL and auth-Key will be generated. You will also get Auth query param. You will require the auth query param to set up the integration in Meraki.

Configuration in Cisco Meraki:

  1. Log into your Cisco Meraki account.
  2. Choose the network you want to set up the alert from the left panel.
  3. Click on Network- wide > Configure> Alerts on the left panel
  4. Scroll towards the bottom of the page to the Webhooks section. Configure the following details:
    1. Provide a name to the webhook. eg Freshservice
    2. Paste the Auth query param URL generated in Step 4 of Freshservice configuration in the URL field
    3. Send a test webhook to create a test alert in Freshservice.
  5. Scroll up to the Alerts Settings section. Add the webhook created in Step 4 above as a default recipient. Use the sections below the default recipients to configure the alerts you want to receive.
  6. Click Save at the bottom of the page

Now you should be able to receive an alert in Freshservice every time the alert condition is satisfied in Cisco Meraki.