Gone are the days agents had to read through multiple conversation threads and notes to understand ticket resolution. Our ticket summary feature powered by GPT meticulously analyzes ticket exchanges, distilling them into clear and concise summaries. With this, you can enhance support efficiency, decrease response times, and save agents time on low-value tasks. 

  1. Navigate to the ticket details page and click on ‘Add summary’.

  1. Freddy AI will create a summary of the ticket based on the subject, description and conversations. You can save the summary to the conversation by clicking on ‘’. 

  2. Once the summary has been created, you can either regenerate it to include additional context, expand it into a detailed version of the summary or share the summary. 

    1. Regenerate/Expand summary 

Click on the ‘Edit’ icon and then click on the Freddy AI icon to regenerate the ticket summary to include any further context that has been added after the ticket summary was generated. If you’d like a more detailed version of the summary, click on ‘Expand summary’. 

  1. Share summary

    Click on the ‘share’ icon and choose to forward the ticket summary or add it as a note to the ticket.