Managing agents and their access levels: 

Note: Applicable only for accounts in which workspaces have been enabled. and have more than one workspace created. 


Adding agents to workspaces: 

As a workspace admin, you can add users who are already a part of the account to your workspace. 

  1. Navigate to Admin > Switcher > Choose the workspace under workspace settings

  2. Go to Account settings > Workspace settings.

  3. You’ll find agents and account-wide admins who are a part of the workspace 

  4. Click on the ‘Add agents’ button to choose agents who need to be a part of this workspace, and add them to groups and associate roles. 

  1. Click on the dropdown next to the agent name for agents already added to the workspace to edit the groups and roles assigned to the agent. 

Click here to learn more about agent groups and assigning roles. 

Modifying workspace access: 

  • Navigate to Admin > Switcher > Choose the workspace under workspace settings. 

  • Go to Account settings > Workspace settings.

  • You’ll find agents and admins who are a part of the workspace 

  • Click on the dropdown next to the agent name for agents already added to the workspace to edit the groups and roles assigned to the agent. 

Removing agents from workspaces: 

  • Navigate to Admin > Switcher > Choose the workspace under workspace settings. 

  • Go to Account settings > Workspace settings.

  • You’ll find agents and admins who are a part of the workspace.  

  • Click on the ( ) icon to the left of the agent’s name to remove the agent from the workspace and click ‘Proceed’. 

What happens when you remove an agent from a workspace? 

  • Closed Tickets/Problems/Changes/Releases assigned to the agent in that workspace will still have the agent's name

  • Open Tickets/Problems/Changes/Releases assigned to the agent in that workspace will be unassigned