As companies grow, IT teams have to manage tons of organizational data and keep them updated. The amount of data connected to an organization today is constantly increasing and becomes difficult to alter or update changes manually.

Custom objects help to organize, store and customize organization data easily. While building custom objects, re-creating the same records multiple times across different custom objects becomes time-consuming work. 

Introducing Identity fields, which represent an object record when referenced across the product. For example: If you've created a custom object called Meeting Room with fields such as Room Name, Capacity, Admin, Location, the logical identity field would be the Room Name. 

With an Identity field set up for a custom object, you can lookup these records via lookup fields created on Custom objects, tickets and Service Request forms

Only a Text field can be marked as an identity field for a custom object.

To Create an Identity field

1. Click on Add Object Field under the Object Fields tab.

2. Enter the name of the Object field and select the type as Text.

3. Check the Mark as Identity Field checkbox and select Save


4. For instance, the logical Identity field for the custom object Company will be the Company Name which can be referenced across other Custom Objects and Service Request forms.

To create an Object field that looks up a Custom Object

1. Click on the Add Object field and select the Lookup field type. For example, let’s create a Custom Object called Division.

2. To refer to the Company custom object which we created, select Company from the Custom Object Datasource. This will list out all the company names (identity field) from the Company custom object. 

Lookups to Custom Objects in SR Forms

Re-creating the same dropdown fields across multiple Service Request forms can be exhaustive. Save your time and effort by creating custom objects and referring them as lookup dropdowns in Service Request forms. 

  1. Click on the select from data source radio button from a Service Request form.

  1. Choose the respective custom Object from the Data source dropdown field as shown below.

Note: This functionality is also applicable for ticket fields. 

Usecase-  To Filter Companies displayed in the dropdown based on the Logged-in user's Location.

  1. Create a custom object to store the Company details.

 2. Once the object fields are created, populate the required object records to capture information about all the companies in your organization including which Company belongs to which Location using a dedicated field to store this for each company.

3. Navigate to the respective SR form, select the custom object Company from the Data source. Now choose the location from the dropdown listed.

4. Select Location from the Logged in user fields.

5. If the user is logged in from the US location, only companies from that location ( Massive Dynamics and Globex Corporation will be populated.

Create field dependency dropdown in SR forms

Usecase- To automatically populate the Divison based on the Company selected in the form.

  1. Create a Custom Object to store Division details. Make sure you create a field that looks up the Company object which we use to determine which division belongs to which company.

Note: Company object field is referenced from company custom object (Refer to lookup a custom object)

2. Populate the required object records to store all the information about divisions

3. Navigate to the respective Service Request form and lookup the Division custom object from the Data source. Now choose Company from the dropdown listed.

4. To populate Division based on the company selected in the Company field, select Item fields→ Company. 

Note that the 'Item Fields' option only shows up if the 'Service Item' has been saved and published.

5. If the user selects Massive dynamics , only associated divisions will be available in the division field.