Attention: The AWS EC2 Orchestration app will be discontinued on Nov 5th, 2024. Please refer to this article for further details.


Perform operations on AWS EC2 resources via the Workflow Automator


Orchestration apps let you automate repeatable tasks and actions that span across a diverse set of systems and applications using workflows. The list of actions supported for this app include:

  1. Instance Management (You can perform management operations on instances in AWS)

- Run Instance

- Describe Instance Group Set Attribute

- Describe Instance Status

- Modify Instance Attribute

- Get Password Data

- Stop Instance

- Start Instance

- Reboot Instance

- Terminate Instance

  1. VPCs (You can perform management operations on VPCs, subnets, route tables, internet gateways, NAT gateways and VPC peering connections in AWS)

- Create a New VPC

- Delete a VPC

- Describe specified VPC

- Delete VPC Peering Connection

- Delete NAT Gateway

- Detach Internet Gateway

  1. Security Groups (You can perform management operations on security groups in AWS)

- Describe Security Group By ID

- Create Security Group

- Delete Security Group By Id

- Delete Security Group

  1. Images (You can perform management operations on images in AWS)

- Create Image

- Deregister Image

- Copy Image

  1. Keypairs (You can create and delete key pairs in AWS)

- Create Key Pair

- Delete Key Pair

  1. Tag management (You can create and delete tags in AWS)

- Create Tag

- Delete Tag

  1. Subnet Management

- Create a New Subnet

- Delete Subnet

  1. Route Table (You can delete and disassociate route tables)

- Delete Route Table

- Disassociate Route Table


         9. Disk Management

- Attach Disks 

- Detach Disks


To install and authenticate this app you will need to provide the following inputs

  • Secret Key

  • Access Key

  1. Create an application user in AWS IAM. Assign policies with permissions for each of the actions enlisted in this app.

  2. Attach the IAM policy with permissions to the newly created application (non-human) user.

Each action currently supported in this app should have corresponding permission in an IAM policy attached to the newly created user.


If you're using the credentials of an AWS admin account, you do not have to assign a policy.

Steps to authenticate and perform actions on AWS

  1. Use your AWS account ID or account alias, your IAM user name, and your password to sign in to the IAM console.

  2. In the navigation bar on the upper right, choose your username, and then choose My Security Credentials.

  3. Expand the Access keys (access key ID and secret access key) section.

  4. To create an access key, choose to Create New Access Key. If this feature is disabled, then you must delete one of the existing keys before you can create a new one. A warning explains that you have only this one opportunity to view or download the secret access key. 

  5. To copy the key to paste it somewhere else for safekeeping, choose Show Access Key. 

  6. To save the access key ID and secret access key to a .csv file to a secure location on your computer, choose Download Key File.


Now that you've successfully installed the Amazon EC2 orchestration app, please have a look at the sample use case below to show how the app can be used efficiently.