About the integration:
Resolve poor performance and outages before your business users notice, by integrating Datadog Synthetic monitoring with Freshservice.
Datadog Synthetic Monitoring allows you to observe how your systems and applications are performing using simulated requests and actions from around the globe. Datadog tracks the performance of your webpages and APIs from the backend to the frontend, and at various network levels (HTTP, TCP, SSL, and DNS) in a controlled and stable way, alerting you in case of faulty behavior
Through this integration with Freshservice, triage all your Datadog Synthetic monitoring alerts in Freshservice to enable your team to quickly resolve the issues.
Configuration in Freshservice:
Step 1:
Head to the Admin panel, scroll down to IT Operations Management, and select Monitoring Tools.
If your account has more than one workspace, navigate to Admin > {Worskpace Name} > IT Operations Management> Monitoring Tools.
Step 2:
You are now on the Monitoring Tools list page. Select Add monitoring tool to add a new integration.
Step 3
You will see a list of pre-configured integrations, the gateway to custom integration using webhooks, and the option to use email as a channel for alerts. Select Datadog Synthetic Monitoring.
Step 4
Get the Endpoint URL and the Auth key for Datadog Synthetic Monitoring by following the integration setup.
Configuration in Datadog Synthetic Monitoring:
Click on Integration from left pane and Go to integrations.
In the search toolbar under Integrations tab, search for Webhooks and click on the webhooks integration from the search result.
Navigate to the Configuration tab in the Webhook pop-up window and select +New button next to the Webhook.
Enter Name, URL, Payload and Headers for the webhook and click save
Please paste the end-point URL copied from the Freshservice Authorize integration page of Datadog Synthetic Monitoring Integration.
"datadog_alert_id": "$ALERT_ID",
"alert_cycle_key": "$ALERT_CYCLE_KEY",
"aggreg_key": "$AGGREG_KEY",
"alert_metric": "$ALERT_METRIC",
"alert_scope": "$ALERT_SCOPE",
"alert_status": "$ALERT_STATUS",
"alert_title": "$ALERT_TITLE",
"alert_transition": "$ALERT_TRANSITION",
"last_updated": "$LAST_UPDATED",
"priority": "$PRIORITY",
"tags": "$TAGS",
"org_name": "$ORG_NAME",
"link": "$LINK",
"alert_query": "$ALERT_QUERY",
"event_title": "$EVENT_TITLE",
"event_msg": "$EVENT_MSG",
"event_type": "$EVENT_TYPE",
"metric_namespace": "$METRIC_NAMESPACE"
Headers :
{ "Authorization": "auth-key eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhX2lkIjoyOTIsImFwX2lkIjo1Mywic19pZCI6NSwidHMiOjE2MDM5NTgzOTYuNzAyNDMyfQ.-MWvIL98-hIe6oZDUjarHK0WwFe5CiJ4pBqbUxkeQck", "Content-Type": "application/json" }
Once the webhook is setup, navigate to UX Monitoring->Synthetic Tests
Click on New Test and select ‘New API Test’ in the Create a new synthetic test popup window.
Please follow the below guidelines to fill out the New API Test form.
Enter URL which needs to be monitored in url field Eg.https://acme.freshservice.com/health_check
Enter Name for the Synthetic Integration
Select the corresponding Location checkboxes from where the site needs to be pinged and tested.
Assertions - Choose when Status code is 200
Specify Test Frequency - Choose how frequently the site has to be pinged and monitored.
Define alert conditions - Specify condition on when an alert needs to be triggered.
Enter ‘@’ to get the webhook suggestions list and choose the webhook that you configured earlier from the list.
Click Save to complete the integration.