A purchase order helps you furnish details about the goods and services you want to place an order for, from an external vendor. 

You can create a PO by clicking on New Purchase Order from the Purchase Orders Module

How do you create a Purchase Order?

  • In the new purchase order window, you can add all the required information to place a new order.

  • Enter a name for the PO and the Expected Delivery Date.

select a vendor who will be fulfilling your purchase order. You can select an existing vendor from Freshservice’s vendor catalog. Once you select the vendor, the purchase details section will get displayed for you to furnish the details about your order

  • Select the shipping address for the PO. You can add an address from existing location details managed in Freshservice. 

  • If your billing and shipping address are the same, you can click on the checkbox “Same as Shipping”, for the billing address to reflect on the Shipping address field.

  • You can choose the currency in which you want the payment to be made. If the chosen currency is not the same as your service desk currency, you can select a different currency unit and add the conversion rate to it.

Note: Selecting a currency here automatically calculates all payment details in the purchase order in the chosen currency. This is only applicable for the Purchase Order. The assets purchased through this order will continue to be tracked in the service desk currency equivalent.

  • In the purchase details section, you can add the following:

    • The products you want to purchase. You can either select an item tracked in the Product Catalog in Freshservice or a software from the Software Catalog or enter free text. 

    • A description about the line item. For ex: product description, cost center code, GL code, etc

    • The cost of the item will get automatically populated if you have tracked this information in the Product or Software Catalog. You can also edit it if required.

    • Quantity of product required

    • Tax Rate percentage

    • The total amount for a product automatically gets calculated 

  • Once you add all the products, the subtotal and the total amount is automatically calculated. 

Total amount = Subtotal + Shipping rates + Tax rates - Discount. 

  • You can also see the service desk currency equivalent to the total amount if the currency chosen in the purchase order is not the same as the service desk currency. 

  • Click on Save to create a Purchase order.

  • Purchase orders are created in Open status with an auto-generated purchase order number. You can view and edit the status of your PO right from the Status drop-down menu within a purchase order. 

  • Under the overview tab, you can view all details about the purchase order that you have created.

  • You can also choose to send the PO for a round of approval or directly change the status of the Purchase Order to ‘Ordered’ once you email it to the vendor.

Your purchase orders are good to go! Now, try setting up approvals for your purchase orders.


1. Is possible to undo a canceled purchase order?

Unfortunately, the canceled purchase order cannot be retrieved and only a new PO is required to be placed. However, the canceled PO can be cloned and submitted for processing the same