Collaboration apps play an integral role in fostering a streamlined platform for teams to work together. Freshservice introduces the MicrosoftTeams integration, making ticket resolution faster than ever before by bringing your tickets’ context right within your collaboration platform. The integration also simplifies the service-request approval process by enabling one-click approvals.

The MS Teams integration comes with our Freshservice Bot a.k.a the ServiceBot which can push notifications to MS Teams about new tickets to agents/groups. or can also be used to update or respond to the tickets. With streamlined updates about tickets being piped into Microsoft Teams, agents can collaborate and respond to tickets faster without having to toggle between windows.

How Can You Set up the Integration?

Setting up the Freshservice-Microsoft Teams integration is a two-step process - first, setup the Microsoft Teams app in your Freshservice account. Next, you can add the bot in your Teams tenant. 

Step 1: Setup the Microsoft Teams app on Freshservice

  • Under the Admin Tab, click on Apps under Service Desk Productivity. 

  • Click on Get More Apps and search for Microsoft Teams. Click on Install to get started with the integration.

  • You will be redirected to the Microsoft login page where you can sign in using your Microsoft Team’s admin’s credentials.

  • Now, choose the ticket actions for which you want notifications to be pushed into your Microsoft Teams and click on Enable. 

Step 2: Setup the ServiceBot by Freshservice in Microsoft Teams

  • Login to your Microsoft Teams account and click on Apps on the sidebar. Search for ServiceBot and click on it.

To add the Bot to your Direct message (individual scope):

  • Click on Add in the ServiceBot Pop-up window. You will be redirected to the ServiceBot conversation in your chats. You can now start a conversation with the Bot (Type Help to know what commands can be used).

To add the Bot to your Teams:

  • Click on the Dropdown button next to Add and select Add to a team.

  • Next, select the Channel to which you want to add the Bot.

  • Now, the Bot will be added to the Team and the channel that you have selected. Here you can choose the Freshservice group that has to be associated with your Team. Please make sure that the user trying to associate the Freshservice Group to the corresponding Team in Microsoft Team is an agent in the respective Freshservice Group. 

  • You can now start a conversation with the Bot (Type @servicebot Help to know what commands can be used).

Head’s up! 

  • The email address used with your Microsoft Teams profile and with Freshservice should be the same.

  • Users in Microsoft Teams can interact with the ServiceBot only if they are activated users in Freshservice.

  • Approvers for Service Requests on Microsoft Teams needn’t be agents in Freshservice.  

Bot Commands 

In Teams

The following Bot commands can be used with an @mention to the ServiceBot. 

Fetch Tickets

This command is used to fetch tickets into the chat panels. Fetch command can be:

  • Filter tickets- Filter tickets assigned to this group based on priority and status fields.

  • My tickets- View the tickets assigned to you in this group.

  • Group tickets- View the tickets assigned to the group.

Ticket ID:

You can view a particular ticket by using its ticket ID as a command. For example, use “INC-123” to view the ticket with ID 123. 


If you want to associate a team with a Freshservice group, use the “@ServiceBot associate” command. Now select the Freshservice group to be associated, from the drop-down menu and click Submit.
Please make sure that the user trying to associate the Freshservice Group to the corresponding Team in Microsoft Team is an agent in the respective Freshservice Group. 


If you want to dissociate the current team from a Freshservice agent group and associate it with another Freshservice agent group, use “@ServiceBot Reassociate” command. Now choose the agent group with which you want to reassociate the team.


If you want to dissociate the current team from a Freshservice agent group, use the “@ServiceBot dissociate” command. 


Use the Help command to view the list of commands the Bot can work with.

In Team's scope, if a Ticket is assigned to a Group and not to an agent, those notifications will come into the associated Team in your MS Teams tenant. This currently works for only Incident. However, it doesn't restrict you to pull context of a Service Request in the Team scope using the above commands. 

In Individual Scope

Fetch Tickets:

This command is used to fetch tickets into your chat. Fetch command can be:

  • Filter tickets- Filter tickets assigned to you based on priority and status fields.

  • My tickets- View the tickets assigned to you.

Ticket ID:

 You can view a particular ticket by using its ticket ID as a command. For example, use “INC-123” to view the ticket with ID 123. 


Use the Help command to view the list of commands the Bot can work with.

Ticket Actions 

Reply: The agents can reply to the ticket right from the Microsoft Teams window by clicking on the Reply option. Once you replied, It will be added to the ticket thread on your bot window.

Approve: If you’re an approver for a particular service request, the ticket pushed by the Bot will have an approve option in your direct messages. Clicking on this option and add remarks to approve the service request.

Reject: If you’re an approver for a particular service request, the ticket pushed by the Bot will have a reject option in your direct messages. Clicking on this option and add remarks to reject the service request.

Add Note: You can add a private or public note to the ticket using this option.

View More: This option opens your ticket in your Freshservice account.

Assign to agent: All incidents assigned to a particular Agent group will be updated in the associated team’s scope. Anyone in the team can assign the ticket to an agent using the Assign to Agent option. 

Bot updates

The Bot will notify the assigned agent in his direct messages with ticket updates when,

  • Notes are added to a ticket

  • Any replies to tickets

  • Status and Priority changes

All the above updates will be pushed in the group whenever a ticket is not assigned to an agent but is assigned to the group.

Note: Assigning tickets to yourself, updating and replying to your own tickets will not be notified by the FS Bot.

Head’s up!

If you’re facing the following error, “You do not have permissions to perform this action” with the integration, try the following steps to troubleshoot.

  1. Uninstall the bot on the Microsoft teams in the teams scope and the personal scope.
    To uninstall from Team’s scope:

    1. Navigate to Teams and select the Team where the ServiceBot is installed.

    2. Click on right next to the Team’s name. 

    3. Click on the Apps Tab and uninstall the ServiceBot here.

To uninstall from Personal scope:

  1. Click on from the Sidebar.

  2. Go to Apps. 

  3. Right click on ServiceBot and Click Uninstall.

   2. Install the Microsoft Team app within Freshservice first.

   3. Once you have installed the app on Freshservice, re-install the ServiceBot in Microsoft teams.