You may want to restrict access to your service desk and the support portals to users from certain domains. This way, only users from restricted domains will be allowed to log in (or sign up) and create tickets inside your helpdesk. 

This can be done using Service Desk Restrictions:

  • Log into your service desk as an administrator
  • Go to Admin > Channels > Other Channels> Support Portal (In MSP mode, Admin > Support Channels > Support Portals > Settings tab). If your account has more than one workspace, navigate to Admin > Global Settings > Restricting helpdesk access to certain domains.
  • Scroll down to the Email Domain Restriction section
  • By default, users from any domain can log in, signup or create tickets
  • When you chose "Users from specified domains", you can enter the domains whose users can create tickets and signup/log in

When you set up restrictions based on domain:

  • The requesters that already exist in your service desk will be restricted automatically (Even if they are not part of a whitelisted domain)
  • The domains created by an admin will be restricted automatically
  • Tickets sent by domains that are not restricted will be dropped
  • If a non-restricted domain is added as a CC, it will be dropped (shown below)

However, tickets created by an agent on behalf of a requesters whose domain is not restricted will not be dropped. And the contact of the ticket requester will be whitelisted.


1. How to restrict a user from creating a ticket, we require only logged-in users to create tickets from the portal.

To ensure only logged-in users can view forms in Freshservice, go to Admin > Support Channels > Support Portal Settings. Under User Permissions "Who can submit a new ticket on portal" as " Logged in Users". Save your changes to secure the forms.