Here is an interesting fact: 67% of HR executives who believe that HR has a strategic role in the business are likely to pursue digital transformation. And yet, HR operations remains one process that seems to have been elusive to this change. 

If you think setting up an HRSM desk is the right step towards freeing up your employees for strategic tasks, then here are some things to get you started:

1. Create a niche for your HR teams to operate:

We know how important it is for HR teams to ensure data privacy, especially when dealing with sensitive data and PII. House your HR teams within the same instance of Freshservice as other teams without worrying about data confidentiality. Use agent roles to control the visibility of data by either using one of the out-of-the-box agent roles or by creating your own custom role. You can also create agent groups for handling HR tickets by going to Admin > User management > Groups. Mark them as restricted to prevent agents and admins with access “across all groups in the helpdesk” from viewing their tickets.


Pro tip: Use workflow automation to auto-assign tickets to the correct groups with ease.

2. Generate a menu of request items using the Service Catalog:

From a letter of employment to a letter of proof of address to updating the details of an employee in the employee records, etc., all these requests can be listed in one place using the service catalog. Your employees can quickly raise a request by choosing from this menu. Just go to Admin > Service management > Service request management > Service catalog and start creating!

Pro Tip: Create an automated approval workflow for requests requiring external stakeholders’ approvals You can also use custom objects to help set up complex approval processes requiring approvals from specific stakeholders.

3. Document solutions using the Knowledge Base:

Let your employees effortlessly discover answers to some of their commonly asked questions. Whether it is leave policy or compensation and benefits doubts, create solution articles to obtain these answers readily. On top of that, you can document processes and policies internal to your department here as well. That’s not all; you can also control the visibility of these articles and you can add a reference to these articles in your responses.

Pro Tip: For recurring requests and queries that require a standard response, you can create canned responses to make the life of your team easier.

4. Welcome your new employees with a smooth onboarding experience:

Streamline your onboarding workflow by using the Employee Onboarding module in Freshservice. Collaborate with various departments to get your new employees up to speed in no time. At the same time, you can create custom onboarding kits for employees in different departments or different locations. Go to Admin > Service request management > Employee Onboarding and get started.

5. Have a delightful offboarding using Freshservice:

When providing delightful experiences to your employees, why limit yourself to just onboarding. Bid them happily using the offboarding bundle. You can find this hidden gem under Admin> Service management > Service request management > Service Catalog> HR Department. Collaborate with multiple team members and turn your existing employees into your fans.

6. Define SLAs to set the right expectations:

From compensation queries to getting employee certificates, the requests handled by your HR teams vary and take variable time to complete. By setting an SLA for these service requests, you can communicate to your employees the time it will take to complete the request. At the same time, it provides a target for your agents to work towards.

7. Simplify the ticketing form using Business Rules:

Your HR team members don’t need to see all the property fields associated with tickets. Use Business Rules for Forms to show only fields relevant to the HR team for tickets that they handle. This will help make the ticket properties form shorter and less confusing when your team fills out the form.

8. Analyze the status of your helpdesk with Dashboards:

Get an overview of the helpdesk’s data and understand how your helpdesk is performing using Team Dashboards. Allocate agents, jump on urgent requests, take decisions to improve efficiency based on real-time data.

9. Bring efficiency to your daily tasks with Virtual Agent:

Integrate Freshservice Virtual Agent with MS Teams or Slack and let the bot handle the day-to-day queries from your employees. At the same time, the bot seamlessly turns questions that require a little more deep dive into tickets that your HR team can handle.

Bonus Tip!

Manage your ongoing long-term or hectic short-term projects using Project Management. Executing employee appraisals or planning the new work-from-home policy, 

Note: Project Management is only available from the Pro/Forest Plan onwards and Virtual Agents is only available in the Enterprise Plan