Connector Apps need tasks to complete executing an active recipe. Every time a recipe runs, it consumes a specific number of tasks. If the available tasks are insufficient to run the Job or are exhausted, the recipe will fail and stop executing. Enable auto-recharge to avoid running out of tasks while the jobs are being executed.

Auto-recharge adds additional packs to your account whenever your task balance runs low. Each pack consists of 2500 tasks and is priced at $40.

You can enable auto-recharge in two ways. The only pre-requisite is that you should have already enabled the Connector App task add-on to enable the auto-recharge.

Enable auto-recharge from the billing section

Navigate to the billing section on the dashboard by going through Global Settings -> Plans & Billing -> Active Add-ons.

Auto-recharge will be triggered when 90% of your purchased tasks are exhausted in the account. You can select the number of packs to be Auto-recharged each time. However, we recommend 1 pack as the default, which can be increased based on the usage requirement in the account. The number of times auto-recharge can happen is limited to 4 per day and 15 per month.

The tasks purchased via Auto-recharge are valid only till your current billing cycle. Hence, keeping the number of packs to 1 will avoid any wastage of purchased tasks.

You need an active online payment method to enable this for your account.

Enable auto-recharge by contacting support

If you are on an offline billing cycle, please write to or contact your customer success manager to enable it.