This capability will be introduced by the end of August, 2024. 

NOTE: This capability is available for Admins with 'play god' permission, or the permission to 'Create/Edit Service Items/Service Category'.

The Service Catalog option in Global Settings allows admins to easily configure the order in which service categories are displayed to requesters on the support portal, optimize the user experience, and make employee services easily discoverable.

Here is how to do this: 

  • Go to Global Settings > Service Management > Service Catalog.

  • You will see the list of all the existing Service Categories present across all workspaces, with an option to order the Service Categories. 

  • The Service Categories can be arranged in a Custom order or Alphabetic order.

Applying Custom Order

  • On clicking the Custom option, you would see a panel that would showcase all the Service Categories along with corresponding workspaces, and allow you to change their order using drag and drop handles.


  • Any new Service Category that gets added after custom ordering will appear at the end of the list. and will have a blue dot next to it to make it recognizable. These categories will also be instantly visible on the portal if they have at least one published item.

NOTE: Newly added categories will be shown with a blue dot next to their name to make them easily recognizable. The dot will be removed once you acknowledge the message by dismissing the banner at the top of the list or by reordering the categories again.

Applying Alphabetical Order

  • By clicking on the A-Z option you can arrange the Service Categories in alphabetical order. 

  • Any new category that gets added after performing the above step will automatically be adjusted in the A to Z sort order. 

- While categories from draft workspaces will also be shown, these categories will not be visible on the support portal until the workspace is published.
- If you click on a Service Category from a restricted workspace and you do not have service catalog management access in the workspace, you will NOT be able to see its Service Items. However, you will be able to see the service category folders and reorder them.
-  In a single workspace setup, you will be able to re-order the service categories in workspace settings. Once you move to a multi-workspace setup, the re-ordering option will be available only in Global Settings. Workspace admins will not be able to order service categories from the Service Catalog option available in individual workspace admin settings.