Note: This article is on the new Sandbox which is now enabled for Enterprise plan customers. For Freshservice's current Sandbox version click here. Click here to learn more about its phase-out plan.

Most admin settings, like workflows, business rules, departments, fields, users, etc., are copied during Sandbox creation, whereas the TCPR (tickets, changes, problems, releases, etc.) are ignored.

As an exception, ‘Requesters’ and ‘Assets’ are copied conditionally if referenced. For example, a requester who is the head of the department or an asset that is referenced in a Workflow Automator is copied while the rest are ignored.

The table below lists all modules with a bifurcation of whether they are copied during Sandbox creation.

Data/Module name

Is this module copied to Sandbox?

Account Settings (Service desk rebranding, Service desk security, Audit log, Email notifications, Plans and Billing, Day passes)


Email Notifications Yes

User Management (Agents, Roles, User Fields, CAB, Agent Groups, Departments, Departments Fields, Requesters, Requester Groups)


User Management (Work Schedule)


Freddy AI (Field suggester, Response suggestions) 


Channels (Freshchat, Virtual agent, Freshcaller, Freshdesk, Support Portal & Feedback widget, Email Mailboxes)


Service Desk Settings (Business Hours, SLA & OLA Policies, Field manager, Business Rules For Forms, Ticket /Problem Closure rules, Change lifecycle)


Service Desk Settings (Priority Matrix, Form Templates, Tags, Satisfaction survey)


Service Request Management (Service Catalog Items, Document Templates)


Service Request Management (Employee Onboarding, Employee Offboarding)


Automation (Workflow Automator, Credentials)


Automation (Supervisor rules, Orchestration center, Scenario Automations)


Agent Productivity (Canned responses, Scheduler, Leaderboard, Email commands, Collaborate)


Extensibility (Apps)


Extensibility (Custom objects)


Asset Management ( Asset Type & Fields, Product Catalog, Vendor, Vendor fields, Software fields, Purchase Order fields, Locations, Asset Depreciation, Relationship types)


Asset Management (Discovery, Cloud Management, SaaS Management, Contract Types)




IT Operations Management (Alert Management)


IT Operations Management (On call schedule)


Project & Workload Management (Project fields, Project collaboration, Jira Import, DevOps integration, Workload management)


Service Categories


Service Items


Email Settings


Status page, Team Huddle, Alert rules, Monitoring Tools


How are requesters and assets copied?

Only requesters with references within other configurations are copied, while the rest are ignored. To import the remaining requesters, one can export them from Production and import them into Sandbox.

For instance, when creating a Sandbox, a requester designated as "Head of the department" is copied to maintain the relationship between the "Department" and "Head of the department."

Note: The same logic applies to copying assets. 

Add-ons on Sandbox

Add-ons are not supported on the Sandbox account. For example, if your production account has an active API or Orchestration pack, it will not apply to the Sandbox accounts. By default, you will get the limits of an enterprise account.

Data limits on Sandbox

We are limiting data usage on the Sandbox instance to ensure fair usage. The upper limit for different data types is as follows:

  • You can create a maximum of 3000 tickets in the Sandbox account. 

  • The maximum limit for Changes, Problems, Releases, Contracts, and Solution articles is 50 each. 

  • You can create a maximum of 100 alerts and tasks per Sandbox account.

If you reach the maximum limit, feel free to delete the older data so that you can create new data.